Falling like dominos

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He read to me for what seemed like forever, we each smoked a cigarette while I was held by his soft grip, his gentle voice rang through my ears and almost made me fall fast asleep... until a huge growl escaped from both of our stomachs, "well if that doesn't sound like the bellows of Sauron I don't know what does.. who's for a takeout?" Eddie laughed, "me!" I whispered softly, I felt quite intoxicated now but Eddie seemed... relatively sober, "woah are you DRUNK? Y/k, bad girl" Eddie tutted, "maybe... is that a problem?" I joked back, but he kept tutting and giggling as he leaned against my ear, "you know I'm pretty good at dealing with girls like you" he whispered in that raspy low tone, I felt a visceral reaction in my soul.. I wanted more, "You wanna bet?" I replied, "do you really wanna know? Because everyone knows curiosity killed the dog..." He said as He smiled, "you mean that cat?" I replied, my eyes now narrowed in his direction with concern, maybe he wasn't as sober as I thought.. "that's what I said", Eddie smirked though laughter, but I couldn't be bothered to argue as I was too hungry, "so how about pizza? What do you think?" He continued, laughing at my drunken state, "yeah that'll do" he smiled.

Eddie quickly got up and ran for his telephone, dialling the number for dominos, "hello? Oh yeah can I order to forest hills trailer park please? Yeah the names munson, uh two pizzas yeah.. oh what type I'll get an extra spicy meat feast and uh, hey babe? What pizza can I get you?" He shouted from the living room, "uh, yeah I'll just get pepperoni, thanks Eddie!" I shouted back.. "course babe! Yeah one pepperoni too Thankyou so much, bye", Eddie hung up the phone and ran back into the room jumping for joy, "two pizzas coming up, sweetheart" he giggled, lying back down on the bed and over my body, he held my face and kissed my forehead, "how drunk are you really? Are you always this much of a lightweight? That's borderline impressive, cherry" Eddie laughed, "well usually no actually, but I'm so hungry I'm so glad you just ordered food!" I cackled under Eddie's hot breath in my face, "me too darling" he grunted as he kissed me again, leading down to my neck where he grabbed my hair again to get it out of the way, I'm not sure he's as sober as he wants me to believe..

After laying in bed for a few more minutes we eventually heard a knock at the door, Eddie shot a huge smile at me, "pizza!!" He shouted while he darted to the door and took the boxes, paying the delivery guy, "woo woo!" Eddie screamed while pumping his fist into the air, "you ever seen Star Wars?" He asked as he juggled the pizza boxes between his arms and laid them on the coffee table, "no is it any good?" I asked, but Eddie looked horrified, "any good? Any good? Y/n it's the best thing ever are telling me you've never seen Star Wars?" He asked, "uhm, no?", Eddie scoffed and buried his face in his hands, "well you're about to find out if it's any good" he cackled while making finger quotations, I sat down giggling and took a bite of my pizza as he put in the VHS, "just wait till it begins this is the BEST film intro you will ever see in your LIFE I swear to god!" Eddie said while jumping and for joy and giggling like a little kid, eventually sitting back down next to me and putting his right arm around my shoulder with a huge slice of pizza in the other, he squeezed my arm with anticipation and eventually the music peaked and the film had started, the screen read "Star Wars" and showed monologue of the context synopsis, Eddie pinched my shoulder with excitement and thrill as he let out a small squeak of joy, "you're SUCH a nerd!" I joked, "well you're a freak" Eddie scoffed back, I giggled back as he leaned his fluffy head into my beating chest, "first a broken hand and now a heart condition?" He cackled, "oh god, okay I admit it you make my heart...do that, idk what that is" I whined, "you don't know what that is?.. I'll show you" he said leaning back, now adjusting himself so he slouched backwards so I could lean into him, "actually gimme a sec it's really hot tonight" he grunted as he smirked while removing his layered battle vest and leather jacket.. then his shirt, which exposed his muscular arms and chest which were covered in tattoos, he knew what he was doing...
my heart fluttered even more as he beckoned me back over to lay into his body again, his arm wrapped itself around my waist as he reached under my shirt to touch my back while making circular motions with his thumb, I sighed into his chest as the movie played....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2022 ⏰

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Sweet love o' mine // Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now