Captain munson

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Tw: self h*rm references and alcohol use

After getting back from the hospital and wrestling with the nurses about the state of my scars and lying how they were caused by my friends' cat as they put my hand and arm in a cast, I basically ran into the shower to get rid of the disgusting milk from my hair.. but after getting out I immediately phoned Eddie, it had been two hours since school finished but he immediately picked up, "shit, y/n are you okay? They wouldn't let me visit you in the hospital, how's your hand?" Eddie spluttered down the phone in a nervous wreck, "yeah I'm okay I think.. it hurts a like hell but I'll be fine" I answered, "want me to come over? I'll be just ten minutes hold tight, sweetheart" Eddie shivered, he immediately hung up and ten minutes later he had arrived outside my porch, my mom guessed it was Eddie, "is he the one you're seeing? Oh Did he get hurt too? He's actually really cute hun" She smiled, I could tell she was especially worried about me now, but she insisted she answered the door.. I think she just wanted a good look at who her daughter is dating..

My mom opened the door, Eddie immediately spoke to my mom with a crazy amount of respect, I wasn't surprised but at the same time I didn't really know what to expect, "hey Ms. Somers, I came to see if your daughter is okay after today, we've been dating for a few days now I just wanted to check on her", I suddenly appeared behind my mom in the corridor, "yes of course, come in, you're.. Eddie right?" Asked my mom, Eddie had stepped in, "yeah, my name is Eddie Munson, It's really been a pleasure getting to know your daughter recently", I giggled lightly as he turned and smiled, "well I'll leave you guys to talk.. but leave your door open three inches.. no funny business okay?" Demanded my mom, "of course Ms. Somers" Eddie replied, my face turned bright red but I clutched Eddie's hand and lead him to my room, I'd only had Robin in my room before and nobody else really.. I didn't know what he would think of my cluttered room.. my walls plastered in posters

We laid on my soft bed, he clutched me in his arms and we started talking about today, "I'm sorry I had to hold you back like that.. I know what you wanted to do would have been so metal and really badass but I couldn't let you land in as much trouble as them" Eddie joked while stroking my hair, "it's okay, Thank you.. To be honest I think I'd probably be in a jail cell right now if it weren't for you" I laughed slightly.., "it's okay babe, as long as you're okay?" Eddie replied, but suddenly I got all emotional and the waterworks started, I let tears fall down my cheeks as I sniffles into Eddie's chest, letting out heart wrenching whimpers to him, "it's so unfair" I trembled, Eddie kissed my head while he hummed to me in an attempt to calm me down, "shh it's okay babe, you're okay" Eddie whispered while he cradled me in his arms, slowly rocking back and forth, "I've got you sweetheart, you're safe I promise" Eddie continued to cradle me as I sobbed in his chest, "look if your mom says yes, you can stay at mine? Watch a movie? Go somewhere fun? I hate seeing you upset cherry, you're breaking my heart" Eddie whimpered, I nodded and looked up at Eddie, he held my chin with his thumb and forefinger while he began to wipe my tears for me, "pretty girls don't wipe their own tears.. that's what I'm here for" Eddie smiled, his soft eyes made me smile.. my heart fluttered as he took my hand and lead me downstairs to ask my mom about staying at Eddie's....

After an awkward conversation with her she eventually said yes, Eddie had really impressed her with his chivalry and she came to the conclusion that it's best I'm not left alone after today and that I'm spending time with someone as Understanding as Eddie, as long as there's no "funny business"...

Eddie helped me pack a bag while he let me sit on my bed, but comically he didn't have a clue what girls packed, "uh, babe what do girls actually pack in their bags?" This made me laugh, "just regular stuff.. toothbrush, clean clothes and stuff, y'know what humans tend to pack" I giggled, he leaned over the bag on my bed with his arms on his hips, "right on it" he smiled, eventually re-entering my room and after packing the rest of my bag for me he lifted me up on my feet and hugged for a brief period, "you're gonna be okay, we're gonna have fun I promise" he whispered, taking me downstairs and into his van, I immediately put a cigarette to my lips and as I was about to light it he stopped me, chuckling "oh no cherry, pretty girls don't light their own cigarettes", as he lit it for me, I inhaled while he switched the radio on and drove me to his trailer, I felt so exhausted after today but fought to keep my eyes open.

Sweet love o' mine // Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now