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Tw: bullying and violence lmao

Mrs click went though role call, Eddie had shamelessly reached his hand out onto my desk which I took, gripping it with my free hand , we managed to get away with this due to our seats at the very back of the class, Eddie kept running his hand through his hair as he chewed a toothpick to curb his cravings for a cigarette during the lesson, his jaw was slightly clenched and I could tell he was worried about something..

I squeezed his hand as a method of silent communication, he turned and smiled while squeezing my hand now as a reply, mouthing, "you okay?", I nodded and looked at the front to see if Mrs. click noticed what we were doing but she was too preoccupied by the computer, I blew a kiss to Eddie to offer him support in the lesson, if only I was in Mrs.O'Donnel's class with him too.. I know he's really worried about if he'll pass.

I wrote my last sentence and had finished my work, I looked around to see everyone else had too, it were just a few minutes until I would be throwing into another lesson without Eddie at my side..
The bell rang loudly, I jumped lightly in my seat as I began to pack up my things quickly, Eddie took my hand as we left the classroom, "I'll see you at lunch, love you" Eddie kissed my forehead while I waved goodbye as we walked opposite directions..


Robin ran up from behind me and we each raced to the cafeteria, reaching the very front of the que we laughed and poked fun at my hickys again, we grabbed our lunch and sat down while talking about Halloween costume ideas for next month, I thought about having a duo costume with Eddie.. maybe two vampires or pirates..
All of a sudden I felt something drip into my hair and onto the table.. it was white and instantly Smelled so gross, I looked up to see Sally again, pouring an expired  carton of milk on top of my head as she laughed in my face, Robin gasped and attempted to wrestle the old carton of milk from sally's freshly manicured hands, I was paralysed with rage.. my fists were clenched and I was ready for another fight, "YOU BITCH!" I suddenly screamed as I pounced on sally, pinning her down and pulling her hair, but I felt someone pull me back by my arms.. I assumed it was a teacher, "let go!" I grunted through my teeth, and kicking my legs, seething with rage.. but It was Eddie, "easy tiger I'll take care of them" He whispered into my ear.

Everyone had turned to see the commotion, but I couldn't fight anymore as I was still restrained by Eddie as Sally laid on the floor while Robin attempted to soak up the milk from my red curls with napkins, Chance approached and helped Sally up with Jason now at his side and pointing at Eddie, "hey freak! you gotta control your psycho bitch!" Jason yelled as he pointed to Eddie, but he took a deep breath and yelled, "you need to fuck off and leave her alone!" Eddie replied, pointing at Jason and letting his grip loosen, my adrenaline became too much and I broke free.. but I fell to the floor in exhaustion, my face scrunched with an appetite for carnage while I looked up at Sally, but Jason had stomped over to Eddie and in the process broke my left hand, which was supporting my body from collapsing onto the floor, instantly my hand shook and I writhed with pain.. I couldn't move any of my fingers, while letting out whimpers of excruciating pain I heard a huge whack as Eddie stepped backwards and clutched his mouth, but he was smiling, blood covered stained his toothy grin as he taunted Jason, "Is that it?" Eddie smiled, "come on man, do it again, we can do this outside if you want to!" Eddie laughed, but I screamed in agony while clutching my left hand, Robin saw me and dropped to the floor, "Shit! Y/N your hand! Is it broken oh my god! Shit!" Robin panicked as she helped me up, but at this time Principal Higgins had entered the cafeteria, I heard Eddie take another hit from Jason behind me as I limped myself up in Robins arms, "Robin you can explain to me what happened in my office, y/n Ms. Kelly will escort you to the nurses office, In the mean time I will deal with Jason" Said Principal Higgins, but I quickly turned around to see Jason frozen in fear and Eddie dabbing at his mouth, walking towards me and Robin while looking back to see principal Higgins gathering the bullies and leading them straight to her office.. the entire hall were laughing or gathered their faces in their hands whereas the hellfire club remained seated at Eddie's demand but talked among themselves as they shared shocked looks, Eddie clutched my right hand as Ms.Kelly escorted us to the nurses office, "you're gonna be okay" Eddie repeated over and over as he knocked on the nurses door, "come in and take a seat... both of you" the nurse said, looking at Eddie and I, Robin was probably in the principals office by now, but as I suspected... my hand was broken, "okay we're going to have to call and ambulance for you and call your parent or guardian, you can stay here for now" the nurse said as she left the room and called the hospital, I leaned into Eddie's shoulder immediately and cried in agony, "you're gonna be okay, they're in the shit.. all of em, I promise you'll be okay tiger" Eddie said while he wrapped me in his arms, I looked at his battered face and he looked into my black eye, Jason had given him a split lip, but he smiled softly, "I'll look after you" Eddie whispered, I hugged him tighter and Robin burst in, "Hey you guys principal Higgins is so mad Jason is totally in the shit and there's a whole ambulance outside- oh! Sorry uh, I'll leave you to it!", Robin stuttered and quickly left, me and Eddie turned to each other and started to laugh, but it stung our battered faces...

Sweet love o' mine // Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now