Chapter 1:

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Chapter 1:

I am tired.




I killed the monster that my sword touched, the guts of the monsters stained my sword as I walked forward stepping on the spongy wet floor soaked in blood over some dead bodies. After 10 years of war, I had become numb to it.

I am strong but, I am tired; tired of holding a sword, tired of slashing my way through enemies day after day, every moment I wake.

I am tired. I am sick of this.

I want to stop.




With one more slashing motion, as if gliding through the air like a falling leaf, the sword struck another ogre who was swiftly decapitated. I am strong but not the strongest. I have friends, who truly love me, and I love them too but...I want to run away. I keep holding onto this sword, but I have become tired of it all. I just want to give up now.

As the last of the monsters fell, the war between demons and humans came to its climax. Humanity was on its last legs but so were the demons. The seven commanders of the demons, humanities greatest, we, we picked each one slowly ridding the world of their existence, now all but one dead. Humanity's greatest, our saint, our captain, we still had our strongest force, yet the demons still managed to be a thorn in our side. With their final act, their final plan they managed to make half of the world unlivable, they killed hundreds of thousands, irreparable damage to the planet.

They need to die, this war needs to end.

As I watched over the battlefield, stood over hundreds, thousands, millions of dead bodies of demons and humans, I looked at the sun slowly setting into the horizon and started to clean my blade. The sun would be setting soon, marking the unfortunate 10 year anniversary of long and arduous war. I stood over a mountain of dead bodies which had accumulated throughout the war, unable to decompose.

As far as I could see, I saw death and destruction brought upon by those filthy demons.

I looked at my sword; the sword had a golden hilt and was ordained with a decorative dragon piece. Looking at the decorations brought back many memories but, I resisted them. With the guts and blood cleaned, I saw my reflection. Green irises looked back at me as I took off my torn metal helmet and threw it on the ground. The burnt orange hair that I had tied down came down dirtied by the blood of monsters and demons.

It had been a while since I had cut my hair. It was a bit too long again.

I took my blade and brought it near my nape and cut of my hair somewhat clumsily. The hair which would've covered my back now came just above my shoulder.

Looking at the setting sun, the corpses of demons, and the souls of the humans unable to transcend the mortal realm, I felt lonely. Sadness built up inside me, rage fired my heart, I couldn't save them.

I wish I had tried harder.

"If I had a blessed body, would I have been able to protect the people I love better?"

My voice was weak, it had been months since I slept, and even then I realized that it was a worthless thought. Many memories came to mind, and even more excuses.

"I wish...I..."

My words stopped, I knew I couldn't justify myself. I knew excuses were worthless now. I stopped my thoughts.

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