Chapter: 6

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Chapter 6:

It was a hilly area with a slight slope, filled with trees. The area was quite high up in terms of area, but it wasn't high enough for mocc to be found in.

Mocc were known as the 'kings of the mountain' and although a mountain was nearby, mocc usually did not leave high altitudes. So, why was there a mocc so low to the ground right now? That thought raced through Elin's mind as he reasoned out a half-believable logic. As he was about to come out of his hiding, he saw the reason, goblins.

Goblins were monsters which usually used Guerrilla tactics. One would lure the victim and the rest would whale on the victim until they were killed. And, it seemed the mocc had become the victim this time. 15 goblins had surrounded the mocc and were ready to strike.

The mocc was quickly knocked out by one of the goblins as it charged at the mocc, while the mocc was facing the other way.

"Aren't I lucky?" Elin remarked to himself as he pulled out his broad sword and readied his aura slash. He rested the blade behind his hips before slowly raising it above his shoulders. Then he gathered his spirit. He drew a straight line in the air, slowly and masterfully.








Nothing happened. Well, something did happen; Elin got the attention of the goblins which were targeting the mocc.

"Ugh, I knew it...I've lost the ability to use aura...I wish it was just a whim, or at least I should've checked beforehand" Elin said as he tried once more, once more just hoping he hadn't lost his touch.

A vertical slash, a horizontal one, a diagonal one, a piercing attack; nothing came out, not even a spec of aura.

He had felt this while he was training with Alex, but he wanted to reject this possibility. He wanted to wish that it wasn't true. But, alas it was.

Elin was too busy being sad about not being able to use aura, when one goblin stealthily came up behind him with a club. He quickly unsheathed the spear and slashed at the goblin's neck. The goblin's neck was cut and blood splattered all over the place, but, it had already begun swinging. Elin without skipping a beat, slashed with his sword cutting the goblin's wrists.


The goblin fell besides him. He was still confused why he couldn't use aura, but it was not the time for that. There was about 30 meter distance between him and the other goblins. The other goblins were alarmed by the swift death of one of their comrades, so all of them were taking a defensive position.

Elin swung his ground towards the ground, and shook off all the blood on his swords as he glared towards his prey.

"Ugh fine, I'll kill you the old-fashioned way." Elin said giving up on his aura.

He held his broadsword in his right hand and the spear head in his left as he began running towards the remaining 14 goblins. As the distance between them shortened, Elin threw the spear at one of them. The spear flew through the air and hit one on the head. The goblin was pinned to a tree. The goblins were struck with fear, but that didn't last long.

Elin quickly covered the remaining distance between them and took a wide swing at one of their necks. The sound of flesh tearing reached the goblins' ears as they went into frenzy, the blood splattered all over Elin's armor and the other goblins close by. Some were knocked off their feet, while some chose wrongly, to fight back.

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