=Chapter 22=

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^^^Dedicated to her for sticking through the book from beginning to end! ^^^

Hello all! Here is the next chapter that all of you have been waiting for! Please forgive my tardiness on updating. Finals got me going crazy!





=Chapter 22=

Three years later...

"Brandon, you have to come by for dinner tonight. I made your favorite dish. Bring Xavier with you! -Love, Ari" I wrote out on a small piece of parchment to send by owl. It has been three years since I graduated from Hogwarts. I am now an Auror with the Ministry of Magic and I love every minute of it. The drive. The Excitement. The Unknown. It's phenomenal!

I heard the door squeak open and then I felt hands cover my eyes.

"Brandon... Can you remove your hands from my eyes before I cut my fingers off."

"Haha, sorry love. I couldn't help myself!" Brandon was still the same. Tall, skinny and pale.

"Where's Xavier?" I asked looking around the room.

"He's coming a bit later. He got caught up at worked." He mumbled taking a dinner roll from the table and stuffing his face with it.

I've always had my doubts... Xavier is a Malfoy and there is no reason for him not to be a Death Eater though Brandon says he isn't. I just can't wrap my head around it.

"Oh! You wouldn't guess who I saw in Diagon Alley." Brandon said with a deep seriousness in his voice.


"You know who."


"No, you daft dimbo! I'm talking about Snape..."

"What about him?"

"I saw him today..."

I felt a tear slide down my check. Brandon was quick to hug me.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to make you cry." He whispered.

"No, It's okay. I handle it much better now."

I heard the door open and then slam.

"Honey, I'm home." God, he's so cliché.

Chris walked into the kitchen undoing his tie.

"Ah, hello Brandon. Did Ari make your favorite dish today because that's only when you visit or is today a special occasion that I haven't been informed of?" Chris asked in curiosity.

"Do you have to be so nosey? Though, if you must ask, your wife made me some corn chowder A.K.A my favorite meal and I also wanted to see your beautiful face, Chris." Brandon spoke with utter confidence.

"Still hitting on my husband, are ya?" I asked Brandon while walking over to kiss Chris quickly.

"Of course, if you didn't get him when you did, I would have had him!"

I heard a knock at the door, "Brandon can you get that?"

And in walks Morgan, Fred and Xavier.

"Look who I found!" Xavier exclaimed.

"Morgan! Fred! Please come and sit down." I welcomed them.

It was like a mini class reunion. We talked for hours, like we've never been separated. The night flew by and my thoughts went back to 'him'. Does he still have feeling for me? Is he still as cold as he once was? I wonder if he even cares? I shook my thoughts quickly when Brandon spoke up.

"Well, it's getting late and I work tomorrow. So Xavier and I must be going."

"Ah, as for Fred and I too." All four of them stood up and filed to the door.

Brandon pulled me aside and whispered, "Ariana, he still loves you and regrets everything he did. The poor guy was plastered on the street and even though he broke your heart, I helped him back to the castle and he mumbled things about you. How he still cares. I know you married Chris to try and forget, but you should talk to Snape and help him move on." He kissed my cheek and bid farewell.

Drained from all that happened. Chris and I quickly freshened up and went to bed without a word being said.


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