=Chapter 10=

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Hello my faithful followers, sorry i haven't updated over the weekend. I've been tremendously busy with school and well life :3 I hope you're enjoying how the story is turning out. I should be starting a new book called "Three Confused Souls" based on another true life story.

I know I'm not the best writer nor am I the best speller, so if you wish to become an editor feel free to contact me via private message or on my kik. (:

Stay Awesome and Enjoy!


=Chapter 10=

He sat there. Just starting at me. I could see all the emotions in his eyes but I couldn't make it out...

"Ari, why? Just why?" He asked almost sounding like he was going to burst.

"Well he is just... he is just himself." I said trying to explain to him how I feel but I just couldn't get the words out.

He sighed, "Ari, you can do so much better. For Merlin's sake he is the dungeon bat of the school. Does he even like you?"

I think he was somewhat excepting this situation.

"Well I don't know... I don't really talk to him about personal stuff."

"Ari, Ari, Ari are you sure you love him? Cause if you really mean it then I shall get to work."

I was dumbfounded... "What?"

"If you are serious about Snape then I want to make it happen. I mean he probably hasn't had sex in 20 years and you well... hun you need some action."

My jaw dropped and my eyes went bigger then the sun.

"Brandon Scott! That is not funny! I do not want him for sex!" I playfully gave him a slap on his arm.

"Oh come on Ari, I bet you have thought about it once or twice."

"Actually no, I haven't " Just thinking about it made me blush a bit.

Brandon started laughing uncontrollably. I gave him "the look". Raising only one eye brow.

He laughed even more.

"What the bloody hell are you laughing at?!" I asked getting a bit frustrated.

"Well first off I can't help but noticed that ever since we met you end up either falling for the guys that are ten plus years older than you, or they are taken or they just have no interest. Secondly, "the look" you decided to throw was "the look" that Snape gives to everyone. I just can't help that if you think about it you and Snape are nearly the same. "

"I highly doubt that, Brandon."

"Okay, well suit yourself." Brandon stood and headed to the door. "Shouldn't you be headed to your date with Snape?"

I looked at the time, 6:10 pm.

"How'd you know?!" He winked and left.

I quickly applied some eyeliner and ran down the stairs. I reached the door that lead to Snapes Office. I knocked. "What do you want?" He yelled. He sounded occupied.

"It's me, Sir." I said calmly. I heard shuffling from the other side. The door flew open.

"Caffery, I thought you weren't going to show. I thought you would be with your fan boys." He nearly spat.

I giggled, "Snape why are you so defensive about Brandon and Xavier? You should know that when you ask me to do something I will be there."

Snape face turned into a fluster, "I'm not defensive!"

Out of instinct I put my hand on his shoulder to calm him down. "Snape, calm yourself. You are ruining my vibe."

He huffed and walked over to a table that was full of ingredients and pots. "Wolfsbane?"

Snape nodded. "Since you decided to arrive late, I started without you. So could you finish this pot off with the slugs and wormgrass."

"Yes, Sir." I said as I got to work pulling up my sleeves to my elbows.

After a few moments of comfortable silence. Snape said, "Caffery, when we are out of class and no one else is in sight I guess it would be acceptable to call me Severus."

I smiled at his gesture, " In that case Si- Severus you should call me Ariana or Ari. Whatever floats your boat."

He smiled, "Alright Ariana, are you done?"

I nodded.

"Take a seat on the couch, Dobby should be bringing some dinner."

I walked over to the couch and took a seat. I looked at Snape. He worked so efficiently. Everything he did looked so precise. Hell, he was perfect. I noticed he was just wearing black slacks and a long black long sleeve. Him and black equal perfection.

"See something you like?" Snape asked.

I blushed. I scanned the room for something. Ah! A piano! I didn't see it earlier, " Um actually I do, that piano in the corner."

His face turned to disappointment. It was hard to read that but I know him well enough. He recovered quickly, "Ah yes it's a baby grand. I bought it as a gift for myself for Christmas so many years ago."

"You make yourself sound very old, Snape. I mean Severus."

He continued to work, "I am old, Ariana."

"You can't be that old."

"Let's just say that I am nearly double your age."

I laughed, "That's not that old! Old would be Dumbledore."

Severus laughed. Oh what a sound. It is so nice to hear him laugh. Goal accomplished!

When we got over our laughing fit, Severus finished the potion preparation.

"There now we just have to wait." Severus said while he walked towards the couch. "Would you want to play it?" He asked.

"The piano? No no, I'm not the greatest."

"You can't be half as bad as me. Go on."

I stood up slowly and headed over to the piano. I sat down trying to figure out what song to play. Then it came to me. River Flows In You by Yiruma.

I started the song off a bit rusty, though I slowly got into the music. By the end of the song I felt relieved of everything. I sighed.

"Don't stop, it was beautiful." I heard Severus whisper. I looked over my shoulder and he was standing to the side of me. I turned back to the piano blushing at our closeness.

Then I started to play Le Onde. This time I played the song with as much as emotion as possible. When the song ended I was nearly out of breath. I took a deep breath in, then released it.

"Beautiful." Severus said. I blushed and said, "Those songs are."

"I wasn't talking about the songs, Ms. Caffery."

I turned myself on the piano chair to face Severus. I gave him a confused look. What was beautiful?! What is he talking about?

Severus took a step forward and got down on one knee. When he knelled he was nearly my height though I was taller by a couple of inches. I folded my arms to make myself look intimidating, though I knew it wouldn't work with Severus. He just knelt there. He didn't say a word. He just looked deeply into my eyes.

I had to ask, "Severus what are you talking about? What is so beautiful?".



Well that's it folks! I'll update on the weekend!

Happy Reading!

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