=Chapter 9=

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Yes, it is the weekend! (: So here it is.

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=Chapter 9=

I stopped in my tracks and turned around to come face to face with someone I really couldn't talk to at the moment. Brandon Scott... I mean what would I tell him? Where did I sleep? What would be my excuse for having Snape order him to get clothes for me? I stood there just stunned and I didn't know what the hell to say.

He sighed "Ari... I am just happy you are feeling better." He hugged me. "Girl, if anything happened to you... well I don't even wanna think about it." I smiled into the hug. I love this boy! I just wonder if I should tell him, you know about Snape...

"I have to tell you something." I said.

"Go on." He gestured after releasing me from the hug.

"I thin-" I got cut off.

"There you two are!" Xavier yelled.

"Hiya, Babes." Brandon said as they did their "thing".

I turned and walked away because I knew I would be there for awhile. My gosh they act like they haven't seen each other in ages but it probably hasn't even been ten minutes. I headed up to my room to finish my homework.

When I reached the top floor I was literally drained. I shuffled to my room to hear a familiar meow.

"Hey boy. Sorry I've been ignoring you for the past couple of days. I just got really busy with school and all." I said to Joey, my cat. Luckly the house elves have his meals covered. Though he tilted his head giving me the look of "Oh really?"

I jumped on my bed and he followed as if he wanted me to tell him more, so I did exactly that.

"Okay, fine. You win. So there is this guy that I fancy and well he makes me feel not like myself. I have butterflies around him. Almost like I'm scared but I'm not. I just don't know what to do."

Joey walked over to my face and rubbed his face against mine. It was like he acknowledged my love for Snape. I just said love... the "L" word. Oh my god, I am in love with Snape... After a long time of thinking to myself I decided to get my homework done.


I walked up to the headmaster's office after I left Ms. Caffery to clean up. I'm really glad the poor girl is feeling better. Poppy was good fun, though she kept hinting that Caffery and I are soul mates and all. That girl is out of my league. I mean, I am the dungeon bat of the school no one would ever love me for who I am. My thoughts were interrupted when I reached Albus's office.

I knocked.


I pushed the door open and headed into his office. " Ah hello Severus. What can I do for you?"

"Well I just came to tell you that Ms. Caffery is doing much better, thanks to Poppy."

"Severus, take some credit."

"You know I never do, Headmaster."

"Take a seat, Severus, we need to talk."

"About?" I asked curiously.

"Your love life." Albus let out a giggle.

"I do not wish to share my 'love life' with you." I emphasized 'love life'.

"You're truly blind, Severus, you have been since the ending of last year."

"What the bloody hell are you talking about?"

"Severus, don't be daft."

"I think old age has caught up to you old man."

"Severus, you love her, don't you."

"Who in Merlin's name are you talking about?!"

"You know who..."

"No, I don't! Albus I really think you've lo--" He raised his hand to stop my bickering.

"You may not know it Severus but you will know sooner than you think. Though do exercise caution. Student and Teacher relationships do not go well with the Ministry."

I sat there, flabbergasted. "You think I am in love with a student?" I laughed. "That's absurd."

"Like I said, you will know sooner then you think."

"Are we done here?" I asked impatiently.

"Not quite, I need a batch of wolfbane potion."

"When do you need it by?"


"That's impossible. I can't do it all in one night.

"That's what TA's are for, Severus."

"But the poor girl just recovered from a tragic night."

"Both you and I know she is stronger then that."

"If you think so, Albus." I turned and left. Sometimes this guy is a pain. Him and that little twinkle in his eye. He is always so cheerful though he is always right. This old man will be the death of me.

I headed back to my room. I decided to send Caffery a letter. I quickly jotted down:


If you have free time tonight please report to my room by 6pm. I would need assistance with a potion that the headmaster requested.


I conjured a school owl and got the owl on it's way.

Ariana Caffery's POV

As I finished up my last piece of parchment, I heard a peck on my window. It was an unfamiliar owl. I opened the window and grabbed the letter from the bird which flew off immediately. The letter was from Snape asking me to help him with a potion.

I should start getting ready.

I took a quick rinse just to feel refreshed and I picked out my clothes. I brought out my grey skinny jeans, black v neck and leather jacket and black leather high tops. As I walked out of my bathroom, I saw Brandon sitting on my bed.

"Brandon, what the hell are you doing here?" I asked surprised.

"Well you wanted to tell me something and we were rudely interuppted."

"Umm.. well."

"Go on spit it out."


Brandon started giggling. "I just heard Love and Snape in the same sentence. I really need to get my ears checked."

I stood there with a blood drained face.

He looked at my reaction. "You love Snape? Ari, are you pulling my leg?"

I shook my head.

"Oh well..." He was shocked and so was I. I did not know what to expect from him next.


Hey dears! Hope you enjoyed! (:


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