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             entire story is in the POV of Olivia

Today starts the 5th day of our summer at Cousins. God i love it here. It's like my life back at home is put completely on pause for this trip. However, these few days have been the craziest, sexiest, happiest, most drama filled in my life, and all because of one boy. Conrad Fisher.

I woke up this morning with my big blue T shirt and comfy shorts. i open my window to get the fresh breeze blowing in my room. I could smell the ocean from my window.

I have my own room, i used to share with belly but we got older and now we aren't as close. Our rooms are next to each other and we share a bathroom. Jeremiah and Steven still share a room, and Conrad has his own. The way upstairs is set up there is two hallways, to the left is us girls rooms, to the right is the boys. The moms sleep in the rooms downstairs.

I grab some clothes and head to the bathroom to shower and freshen up. I had woken up pretty late because last night we had went to the bonfire.

Last night was such a mess. Belly had showed up, caused a huge scene, got into a fight, and gotten us in trouble with mom and the cops all in one night.

I don't know why she showed up anyways. Moms rule is that she can't go out with us until she was 16. Her birthday is tomorrow, why couldn't she just wait.
I open the bathroom door and see Belly going through my makeup bag. Belly never uses makeup. I try to help her with it but we just end up fighting because she says it's not fun enough.

"Belly! Stop using my shit!" I say and grab my cleanser bottle out of her hand.
"ugh i just need to find something that will cover this bruise before mom sees it." she replied
i exhaled and roll my eyes
"You could've just asked me. here." I say and hand her my color corrector and concealer.
"only use a little and dab it with ur fingers. and maybe next time just stay home."
"thanks." she said and gave me a fake smile and walked to her room. Why can't there be one day she doesn't piss me off.
After my shower I changed and put on a comfy blue matching set, and did my natural makeup routine.

I walked out of my room and headed towards the stairs. I saw Conrad turn the corner ahead. He looked horrible, he was so hung over.

His red sweatshirt from the night before was twisted up around his torso and his hair was a mess. "morning" i said and gave him a slight grin. He gave me the finger, ruffled his hair, and walked into the boys end bathroom.

I go downstairs and greeted my mom, Steven, and Jeremiah. Mom was making some kind of soup and Jeremiah was making a smoothie.

"Hey, we are making hang over food, want some?" Jeremiah asks me.
"No thanks, I'm not hung over." I say and walk to the cabinets to grab cereal.
"Well at least one of my kids knows how to drink responsibly." my mom says and raises her eyebrows at the boys.
"At least we aren't in our 40's smoking weed while our kids aren't home." Steven says and laughs at mom.

Her and susannah say they didn't do anything but the way their eyes looked said different.

"Where is Conrad?" my mom asks
"He is probably in a coma by now. He drank so much." Jeremiah laughs
"I just saw him upstairs" I said and laughed at Jeremiah's joke.

I go to sit on the couch and watch TV for a while.
I look to my left and I see Conrad walking down the stairs holding his head. He doesn't even make it to the kitchen before having to lay down on the couch next to me.

"Jeremiah!" he yells and holds his head.
"yea hold on!" he yells back and heads over to us with a smoothie and a bowl of soup.
Conrad sits up and starts eating it. And i stare at him with a slightly disgusted face.

"rough night?" I say raising my eyebrow
"shut up" he whines puts the spoon down, leans back onto the couch and tilts his head back rubbing his hands up his face into his hair.

i laugh and continue watching TV. Belly has always been in love with Conrad. Literally obsessed with him. I don't know how. The boys are basically family. But over the years of course we got older, and i will admit they got pretty good looking. especially Conrad. Me and Conrad have been close but never as close as he was with belly. Jeremiah and I were always closer. at least in the friendship typa way.
Eventually that day we all started feeling better so we are going to the club for dinner.

I went to my room and put my makeup on. I grabbed my dress that i bought previously this week. it is white dress with blue flowers on it, short bodycon fit that makes my body flawless, it has small skinny straps, has a small cut out in the middle below my chest, and has a small tie above the cut out. I put on my gold jewelry and opened my door to see Conrad again.

He was sitting on the couch upstairs with his legs open and his arms on his knees looking down.
He lifted his head up when he heard my door close and just looked at me. his facial expression's were unreadable. I genuinely could tell if he thought i looked good or if he was zoned out. This was the first time Conrad had looked at me this way. I kind of just looked at him too.

He was wearing a thin fabric long sleeve white button up that had the first three buttons undone just enough to where you could see the outline of his pecks. He was wearing navy blue shorts that made his eyes look even more blue. His hair was fluffy and waved to be in the perfect place with just one piece hanging down over his left eye. He truly looked good.

We both kind of snapped out of it and he cleared his throat and nodded his head at me giving me the hint that i looked good. I smiled lightly and walked down stairs. He got up from the couch and followed silently.

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A/N - Hey guys! hope u like the book so far. Please leave feedback and suggestions i would really love to hear it!!

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