hey officer

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We finished up in the shower taking turns washing each other's hair and bodies. I get out and wrap a towel around my body and he does the same. I open the door a crack and look to see if anyone is around. "hello!" i yell and no one answers.

"i'm gonna put some shorts on" he says and leaves to go to his room. I walk into my room and leave the door open a bit for him. I go into my drawer and grab a black seamless thong and a black bra. I put it on and i turn to face away from the door and bend over to open my shorts drawer. I hear Conrad walk in, "nice ass" he says and I laugh continuing to look for something to wear.

I feel him come behind me and put his hands on my hips. He thrusts his waist against mine pretending to fuck me from the back playing around. I laugh and stand up to look at him. I turn around and he is just smiling laughing at himself. i roll my eyes and laugh pushing him away lightly. "someday" he says backing up to let me walk. "yea whatever" i say playfully knowing damn well i wanted to every second of this summer. I walked over to my nightstand to grab my necklace.

"how about right now" he says and wraps his arms around me kissing my neck from behind. "we just showered" i said and turned around to kiss him. He pulls away and says "yea we'll save it for the beach" he smirks down at me. I roll my eyes and laugh. "okay. what are we doing the rest of the day because idk what to wear" I say walking back to my dresser. "what ur wearing now is perfect" he smiles. "shut it" i laugh.

I did take his suggestion though. I walked back into the bathroom and started to brush my hair. He joins me and drops the toilet lid down to make a seat. He just watches me in the mirror apply product to my hair. "what's that for" he asked me. "to make my hair smooth" I say and apply it generously through my hair. "want some?" i ask him. He looks at me in disgust. "c'mon it smells good" I say and walk over to him.

I stand in between his legs and he rests his hands on the backs of my thighs. I run my fingers through his hair applying the product. He just stares at me admiring my face. I finished smoothing it through his hair and kiss him. A long kiss and he runs his hands up the backs of my legs to my ass cheeks. We finish our kiss and i walk back to the counter to go back to fixing myself up. He stands next to me running his fingers through his hair and shaking his head occasionally to perfect his fluffy damp hair.

He wasn't wearing a shirt and his ab muscles were shredded making him very attractive. His dark green shorts sat low on his hips revealing his sexy v-line. His hair was damp and his upper body had small droplets of water on him still.

I continued letting my hair air dry and i applied moisturizer. I then began to do my makeup I applied concealer and blush, mascara, a little eyeliner, and chapstick. I finished applying chapstick and touched up my hair lightly.

"okay done" I said and turned to him. He smiled at me and stood up. He grabbed my waist and looked into my eyes. "you look gorgeous" he said. I blushed and smiled back at him and i shut the lights off and we walked out of the bathroom.

We went back into my room and i just decided to put on some lounge clothes. Some flowy white shorts and a navy blue tank top i cropped roughly with scissors.

We walked downstairs to eat a snack. It was about 3:30pm so everyone would be coming home pretty soon. I doubt the moms will though they go to the shops and eat dinner and then get drunk at a bar. So basically us kids had the evening to ourselves.

Jeremiah & Steven came home not to long after and Conrad and I were prepared to act like I didn't just give him head like an hour ago. "Moms are out tn, so we should take the boat out for sunset and then dock at the party on the island." Jeremiah said sitting down at the kitchen table with the sandwich he had made. I had no idea there was a party on the island but i'm down. "yea that sounds fun!" i said and everyone agreed. "i'm gonna take shayla too" Steven said and we all nodded.

Belly got home at like 4:15pm and we told her the plan. She agreed and we all got ready to go by 5. I put on a black bikini that had straps that wrapped around my waist, the bottoms were a borderline thong and I looked so hot. I wanted Conrad's eyes on me the whole time, not him making out with some random girl.

I covered up with some denim shorts and a top and walked down to the dock. We packed food and drinks and a few cases of beers hid underneath the life vests. Shayla arrived and we got on the water at 6pm. The sunset was at 8pm so we just drove around for a little. We had some drinks but we were keeping on the DL.

Jeremiah was driving the boat and he started picking up speed. "dude this is a no wake zone slow the fuck down" Conrad yelled from the back of the boat. Jere didn't hear him and kept driving. "Jeremiah!" Belly yelled. "harbor control!" she yelled from the back of the boat. "shit" he said and slowed down. Everyone hid their beers. We all gathered to the front of the boat to talk to the officers.

Jeremiah lightly slapped my arm and whispered "take off ur shirt". "wtf why" i said back. "the officer is an old dude, do your thing." I rolled my eyes and took off my top. Conrad watched the whole conversation go down as he was standing behind me.

The officer stepped one foot on our boat. "alright kids" he said. "hello sir" Conrad said and walked to the front putting one hand on my stomach telling me to stay back. "going way too fast in the no wake zone, and i see alcohol on board." he said. "Yes i apologize sir, i didn't pay attention to the sign. Completely my fault." Jeremiah spoke up. He then tapped my leg telling me it's my turn. "and the alcohol is ours" I say stepping in front of Conrad motioning to the officer that it was just Conrad and I drinking. "okay i need an ID from both.

I picked out my fake from my back pocket and handed it to him. The officer looked me up and down. "very nice, thanks beautiful" he said and handed it back to me. gross. Conrad handed him his and he handed it back. "alright good. Imma let you guys off this time. have a good one" He said "thank you so much" i smiled. "your welcome" he winked at me. Conrad halted at him in disgust. And the officer walked back onto his boat and drove away.

"disgusting" i said and shook my head. "i mean you saved us" Steven said and walked back to the back of the boat. "way to take one for the team" Jeremiah laughed. "alr move dipshit" Conrad said pushing Jeremiah away from the wheel. Everyone moved to the back of the boat except me and Conrad.

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A/N - your guy's comments are so so funny. I love the beginning of this chapter sm. Next chapter is gonna be so good. So excited to write it tomorrow. Also if you see typos, just call me out in the comments i write these at like 3am so i'm never thinking straight LOL. but tysm for almost 10k reads🫶🏻

Sex on the Beach || Conrad FisherWhere stories live. Discover now