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I looked up at him and smiled.
"got a lighter?"

he laughed and reached into his pocket and pulled out a black lighter with a red painted line down the side.
"what for stoner?" he playfully asked

I reached into the left side of my bra and pulled out a pre-rolled joint. I held it up in front of him and he laughed lightly dropping his head. He flicked the lighter and a small flame lit. I held the joint in front of the flame and lit it.

We looked at each other and held eye contact as I took a hit and handed it to him. He looked so good right now. His blue eyes all glossy from the alcohol his messy hair with the piece hanging down in front of his left eye and his lips slightly pink and puffy. He was wearing a white t-shirt with small black writing on the pocket and black pants.

He handed back the joint and we took turns passing it back and forth eventually sitting down on the steps to rest.

We just talked i can't remember about what. probably just whatever came to our brains. We sat there enjoying each other's company and giggling about anything.

We finished the joint and he stood up and held his hand out. "wanna dance?" he asked
"fuck yea" i said and grabbed his hand. he pulled me up off the step and we walked back into the club.

We walked straight to the dance floor and the song Con Calma had just started playing. "I love this one!" I yelled to him over the music. He laughed and we started dancing.

We danced for like 8 more songs it was so nice just having fun with him, we would run to the bar and ask for shots in between each song and giggle at each other as we ran back to the dance floor.

We had been getting pretty touchy but nothing too crazy until the song Love Tonight started playing. "i like this one" he winked and grabbed my hand and spun me around to face away from him. He snaked one hand around my waist and the other went down my arm to my hand. I got goose bumps up my arms by his touch. "Just go with it" he whispered into my ear i could feel his breath down my neck. I closed my eyes for a moment breathing heavy leaning on him as his hands went around my waist and down towards my ass moving my body along with his to the beat of the music. He turned me around to face him. We locked eyes and he placed his hands back on my waist. I put my arms around his neck and pulled his face closer to mine. His hands traveled down to my ass and rested there while we looked into each other's eyes and moved to the music. His body heat against mine was so comforting. i was completely drawn into his eyes, they are captivating.

I could feel my dress ridding up as his hands moved up and down my body. I felt his rough hands go back down to my ass and tug at the fabric of my dress pulling it back down to cover my butt up he gently patted my ass in reassurance. I laughed and he did too. Our bodies were touching and lightly bit the bottom of my lip while looking at him.

I couldn't tell if i was drunk or high or both. but the words "i want u so bad" just slipped out of my mouth. my eyes widened realizing what i said. fuckkk. He raised his eyebrows and gave me his crooked smile. "really?" he asked. his confidence was so high now. I just looked into his glossy eyes and smiled. his lips looked so good i just wanted him to kiss me. He held my waist and pulled me closer to him. the front of our bodies were touching and his face was so close to mine. He was teasing me so bad. I could feel his breath on my face the closer we got. I was so desperate for him to kiss me in this moment. He leaned in going for the kiss. shit. Nicole. I dropped my head and i felt him pause. "what" he said softly. His breath trailed down my neck. I took my arms off from around his neck and made some space between us. He just stared at me so confused. "ur fucking girlfriend" i said looking at him like he was stupid. "shit." he said under his breath. His face filled with regret when he realized what we had been doing.

He walked away quickly to find steven. I practically ran to find Lily but i couldn't find her or Jeremiah. shit. I think i knew what they were doing.

I went to the bar i saw a guy i had flirted with at the beginning of night.
"ur back!" he said. he looked so drunk he was going to fall off his chair.
"yes of course!" i said excitedly. He asked the bar tender for 2 shots. I looked at the bar tender and mouthed "water" to him. he winked at me and then handed us two water shots. I didn't need this poor guy to go into a coma. We took the shots and laughed at each other. I did a little flirting and got him to buy me a drink. "I think I should head home now. rob?" i guessed his name. " yea yea go have fun" he flicked his hand up. what a guy

I walked around the bar trying to find Lily. I finally found her clung to Jeremiah. "Omg hey sexy!" she yelled and me and ran to give me a hug. "hey, how many drinks have u had?" i asked genuinely concerned. "i have no idea. wanna go home?" she asked and pouted her lips. "yes. yes. great idea." i said.

"Jeremiah! get Steven let's go!" He nodded his head. Steven was our designated driver since he doesn't really drink that much. The boys went to close the tabs at the bar and Lily and I waited at the front of the club.

"so what did u and Jeremiah do?" I asked giving the look that i fully knew what happened. She took a deep breath rolled her eyes and laughed.
"shit, how did u know" she whined
"u guys disappeared for a good 20 minutes" i laughed.
"we didn't fuck" she said holding her hands up like she was under arrest.
"we just make out and i might have.. gave him head" she said the last part really fast and laughed. I gasped and covered my mouth.
"oh my god!" i said pretty loud and we both started laughing.

The boys waved at us from the bar and we all walked to the car. The car ride was fun we just blasted music with the windows down and sang really loud. We snuck back in the house and Lily and i ran into my room and closed the door.

"that was so fun!" she yelled and flopped onto the bed.
"shhhh" i said and joined her on the bed.

"okay i have one question" i said and she sat up
"how long?" i giggled. she bursted out laughing
"8" her eyes widened and we started laughing so hard. I told her everything that happened with Conrad and she was so happy until i told her about the last part and eventually we settled down and went to sleep.

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A/N- honestly idk how i feel abt this chapter but wtv it's good and it helps the plot :)

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