letter nine

193 9 1

dear lee heeseung,

how was baby jay's second birthday's party? oh, you wouldn't know because you were the only one not to go and thus, the other four members of enha have to work hard in consoling baby jay the whole morning.

he was looking for you, kept asking for you the whole day and there's not an hour where he wouldn't look at the front door, hoping you'll come for him, not that i'm trying to guilt trip you.

to be honest, it's another thing that reminded me of his dad. i remember jay being so impatient all the time or becoming restless if you're still not turning up in any trips we had back then.

it pains me to say this, but it looks like both the dad and his son were attached to you like you were their own real family.

you need to pull yourself together, hee.

i know you can. please, if only for baby jay, come visit him again.

park y/n

p.s baby jay told every people in there his daddy didn't visit him.

guess who it is?


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