letter twenty two

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dear lee heeseung,

is this too bad to mention for a  letter that was written for you?

i wish i could be in his arms again. i wish i could laugh at his annoyed tone whenever he sees how clumsy i am in the kitchen. i wish i could hear his voice again, most of all, telling me how everything would be fine.

i mean, i can still hear him some of my recurring dreams but that's not the point.

i should let you know that i also miss my son, hee

god, i miss him so much it hurts, but i can't even look at him anymore without seeing anyone but his dad.

i hate this. i hate that i am relapsing to the grief your bestfriend left in me for what feels like forever.

i just want to disappear and be with him again, you know?

park y/n

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