letter twenty three

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dear lee heeseung,

i went to the hospital again. i hate going there because it reminded me of everything i'd lost. we'd lost.

the smell made me want to cry. every single people there is depressed except for the ones waiting for their newborns. seeing them being all jolly and happy in front of the nursery reminds me of baby jay.

but it all went south when i passed by the morgue and god, do i hear a lot of pained screams and cries.

it made me want to hug each of them. why do god have to make them suffer like that?

hospital is such a complicated place where you could hate and love it for different reasons.

it could heal you and cut you at the same time for what it could do.

it is a salvation and a damnation, it depends on the situation.

i hate that place. i never want to go back.

every time i step in there, all i heard is bad news. jay's and jungwon's death and why do i even bother to go back? i already know what they'll say.

and then they'll me there's nothing they can do anymore.

but they don't even know how i am still needed here.

park y/n

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