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a twenty two year old girl lay on the hospital bed of room 28. the sun shone through the window, giving her pale skin a life.

the girl put her pen down, folding the piece of paper in front of her while her own baby watched in silence at the base of her lap. she took slow, deep breaths, her hands trembling. she raised her hand and her mother in front of her slowly walked forward towards her.

she is crying for her daughter, of course. she knew this would be the last time she would do a favor for the girl. the girl handed her the remaining letters before putting her baby more safely in her lap.

outside the room, two members of enhypen mourned for the third time in this hospital. they sobbed and sobbed. sunghoon put his arm around sunoo but the younger stepped away from his embrace. the sunshine boy couldn't take it.

he wanted for it to not be real.

the death of another friend was too much - it was all too cruel in his mind. their girl, y/n, was the only thing holding them together along her baby. he knew that once the girl was gone, it would all be the same thing again after their leader's burial.

the doctors and nurses of the hospital hung their head low whenever they passed by. in a few years, they watched this same group lost one after another, but it never got easier to think how painful it must for another one to go.

on the terrace of the hospital, the father and brother of y/n, were standing together, eyes on the sky, both watering in realization. for months, they've prayed and prayed as if they knew it could be answered. they knew it wouldn't work, but they still held on to that little hope that a miracle would happen.

but life wasn't that merciful.

out in the streets, a long-legged bleached blonde boy was seen getting out of the car in a middle of a traffic. he ran like crazy, as if his life depended on it. he ignored his driver's call for him to wait because he needed to get to her.

jake had informed him an hour ago that she was going to die. that the love of his life is going to die. he may not be that way for her, but he is in love. deeply and tragically inlove.

the boy wiped his fat tears from his face and ran inside the entrance of the hospital, almost bumping into a wheel-chaired girl on her way out with another woman.

up in the stairs near the room, jake and ni-ki sat on the steps together. they both thought they'd done the right thing. she had trusted them. she didn't want him to know. but they told him.

they had to. not because he is their bestfriend, but because they couldn't sit back and watch as the greatest love die without him being able to say goodbye.

the older guy put his arms around the younger but taller one and reassured him that everything would be fine.

the girl looked up at the ceiling of the room before looking down after her son burped from his milk, which made her smile. But at that moment, the door slammed open.

her smile fell the same time her eyes laid on the boy at the door. he panted, his doe eyes filled with tears and helms of grief hung around them. the boy rushed towards her and gently cupped her face.

he asked her why.

she took a deep breath and finally a tear choked her words. but then she smiled and raised her head to look into his eyes and the baby boy in her lap watched it all too curiously.

the boy placed his forehead against hers. they both took a deep breath together.

he told he loved her over and over. and promised he'll be there for the baby.

and she said she believed him and he could find someone else to love.

but he said he can't imagine looking for somebody that's not her.

as the tragic couple embraced one another, the baby boy is between them and is crying inconsolably as if he is aware of what's about to happen.

the girl's family felt something missing and they can't barely look at one another. everything reminded them of their baby and how she would be gone.

and how everything would hurt after this day.

the other four boys of enhypen knew that in that moment, as they formed together a group hug outside the door, that park jay finally took their friend to rest with him in that eternal garden.

and just like that, the thin thread holding them together finally snapped.

and as park y/n and lee heeseung shared their one last hug, with her kissing her baby's forehead one last time, the life in her body slowly faded away. she would never be seen again in the next day.

there would never be a light in heeseung's eyes again, another one died at that moment.

because when the girl died, so did a part of lee heeseung's, of baby park jay, and sim jaeyun's, park sunghoon's, kim sunoo's, nishimura riki's and of her family.

lee heeseung would never feel the same level of happiness again. he would never be able to step inside this hospital ever again. because his happiness revolved around park y/n.

he knew that, but he have to be strong.

and so he wept as he took baby jay from his deceased mother with his eyes watching them wheeling her out of the room.

the baby, for his own sake, is crying and calling endlessly for his mommy.

but it was never answered.

and another soul cried to watch it all happened before his eyes as he waited for her arrival.

because that day, just like in his and jungwon's death, the world lost a beautiful soul. that day, park y/n left the world. but in a way, she was still alive.

she was still alive in the hearts of her loved ones.

because like she said in her letter, the ones that loves us never really leaves us.

and in that day, lee heeseung realizes that even beautiful things have endings.

but it doesn't mean they have to be forgotten.

moments are memories. no matter how broken, complicated or messy those moments may have been.

this chapter is ending and healing will be hard for all of them, but it doesn't mean that beautiful beginnings isn't coming for them.

and they have to keep going. their stories continues the world revolving.

the end of one chapter is the beginning of a new one, after all.

the end of one chapter is the beginning of a new one, after all

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