letter twenty nine

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dear lee heeseung,

i did something i might regret. i invited the boys to come visit me. yes, it was a stupid move but i just want to see them one last time and hear the stories of their lives in the days i wasn't there.

don't get me wrong, i want to see you too, but i can't really do that now, can i?

ha, imagine how would you feel, getting a series of letter from your ex after months of avoiding you, telling you she had a week left and she wanted to see you because even if it's not you for real, she still love you in the way she wanted to.

not in the way you wished to be loved though.

i'm sorry, hee. this is the truth between the two of us.

it's unfair because sometimes i look in your eyes and that's where i find a glimpse of him.

of my beloved park jay.

park y/n

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