letter twenty five

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dear lee heeseung,

i saw jake today, he looked so sad holding some letters in his hands. you noticed and when you asked him about it, he bursts into tears and apologized.

you were so confused, he told me.

you didn't know why he was crying hysterically.

but i knew. i told him everything, hee.

he cornered me yesterday after we bumped into each other at the pharmacy. he demanded to know why i broke up with you and why i've been a ghost to everyone for a very long time.

he did not accept that i was simply relapsing and wanted to be away from all of you.

in the end, i didn't have a choice but to tell him since something is telling me he would stop at nothing until he got the answers he desires.

it was hard to crack but i have to.

i thought maybe with someone like jake, i could share my burden to him. oh how i was so wrong he would receive it easily.

i was so careless and i shouldn't have told him.

jake cried like the day he first heard the two news of loss. seeing him like that, i think if i told you, it might be worse.

after all, out of all the members of enhypen, you are the most vulnerable one, hee.

i'd hate to hurt you.. endlessly.

park y/n

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