letter twenty five

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dear lee heeseung,

i'm officially stuck at the same hospital where your two dear friends did not even bother to say their last goodbye.

hopefully it wouldn't be the same thing for me.

they aren't letting me out soon here. they said it's going to be bad for me if i try to move a lot.

but they are just really counting out the days of my doom.

it's hard to be in here, alone. i keep imagining how much better it would be if i got my baby here with me.

if only i could bring him here and told him how the only good memory i have of this place is when he was born.

of how seeing him for the first time is my first glimpse of hope.

that i promise i would try to take life as it is just for him.

baby jay is the only light right now to keep me from going.

and it breaks my heart it's not going to be like that next year for him.

park y/n

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