letter eleven

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dear lee heeseung,

i thought i would never see the sun again for another day.

i thought they would not let me come out until i did and literally encountered a fan of yours that was ready to bald me the second she recognized me in the street.

but she was held back by her own friends.

it was terrifying.

why are they so protective of you, hee?

up to this day, some part of your fandom is still scary for me though i should get used to it by now.

they are all throwing hate on me everywhere now.

i wouldn't be surprised if they will contact the sasaengs in order to find me soon.

i don't want them to. i'm serious.

they treat you like a saint, like you're an angel sent from heaven.

you look like one but what about me when the time comes?

park y/n

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