letter twenty one

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dear lee heeseung,

i am halfway there. just a little bit of time for me to make everything hard for everyone that loves me.

especially for my baby.

i thought i had a little more time. but that's alright. i've done everything i wanted to.

it also felt like the only way to be with him again.

except that i would break a lot of hearts in my leave.


our friends.

my family. my baby jay.

and i wouldn't even be able to see him grow up like i dearly wanted to.

well, that took a big turn. this isn't supposed to be a letter where i will complain about the terrible surprises of my life.

back then i could've sworn the worst thing could happen is losing the love of my life, it turns out there is something more heartbreaking.

and i hope you'll be there for him in all the times i can't do it anymore, hee.

park y/n

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