15 - Pretty in Blue

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At the Jones household, Killian was making breakfast as Elaine sat at the table and Sophie walked downstairs and they looked at each other, "Staying from breakfast?" Killian asked.

"I'm meeting... Uh... Da... David," Sophie said as she pointed to the door.

"Right... Okay, be careful," Killian said and turned away from her.

"Yeah... Will be," Sophie said and walked out.

Elaine watched them then looked at her husband, "What the hell was that?" Elaine asked.

"What?" Killian asked.

"Could you be any colder to her?" Elaine questioned.

"I'm not being cold, love," Killian turned to her and sighed, "This isn't our fight," Killian said.

"Killian! She cannot fight, she is terrified of everything and you know why? Because she was locked in a bloody tower all of her life. Baelfire was thrown out of a window the day she gave birth to Alice... The other you's daughter! I promised myself I'd get that family back together just like we are! I am showing her that magic shouldn't be feared, or shall we have another one of me who is too afraid and looses control?" Killian looked away, "Honey, I'm making progress, but I need your help. She needs our help... All of us," Elaine said.

 All of us," Elaine said

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"Alright..." He sighed and looked at her, "I'll stop being closed off... But it's weird for me, two more faces... I'm just glad the last four aren't here," Killian said.

"It won't be much longer, I promise," Elaine said.

"So... Why is she with David?" Killian asked.

"Priscilla said it be good for her... Her dad locked her away, mine... Probably would've done the same to hide me from you," They chuckled, "As I said... She needs us all... Now, get back to work, I was enjoying the view," Elaine said as she leaned back and he smirked at her.

At the Tool Bridge, Sophie and David walked together, "So... Sleep okay?" David asked.

"Y... Yeah... I slept okay," Sophie said.

"Good... Good," David said.

"This is weird for you isn't it?" She looked at him as he hesitated, "I get it... Elaine's Killian is the same... And honestly, it's weird for me too. My Killian doesn't remember he's mine or our daughter," Sophie walked ahead as David followed her, "My mom and dad locked me in a tower as soon as I was born, a witch locked me in. My Priscilla broke the seal for 24 hours every birthday because it was stronger than her. And my Baelfire was thrown out of a window the day my youngest daughter was born and you know what my father said to me... His noble heart knew no bounds when love for me was concerned... He should've been watching the twins not feeling my heartbreaking..." Sophie said and let out a shaky breath.

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