29 - Bonds Formed (Original Ep: Sisterhood)

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A few days later, Ivy was on the phone in her office, complaining that Anastasia hadn't been found yet, "I know what the problem is. I hired you to fix it! Now, find my sister!" Ivy snarled and hung up.

Eloise walked in, "And to think I used to believe you were special. And here you are lost again," Eloise said.

"I see you're encouraging as ever," Ivy said.

"I know we've had our differences, but I came to renew our deal," Eloise said.

"To find Anastasia? You just want the power she has at the Guardian so you can get the Dark One's Dagger. What you want will kill her, and I'll have no part of that," Ivy said.

"Your desire to honour your mother's dying wish is noble. But you don't know where she is any more than I do, and your plans to reunite have run out of time. This was in the lobby when I arrived," Eloise handed Ivy a bag with a heart-shaped box of chocolates inside, "I've already siphoned some magic from Anastasia, and with you gone, I'll take the rest," Eloise said.

"I didn't survive this long to be killed by a chocolatier with a penchant for theatrics," Ivy threw the box of chocolate in the trash, "I'll be fine," Ivy said.

"What you'll be is exactly like the other two victims... Dead. You wanted to stand alone, Ivy. Now you truly are," Eloise said and she walked out, leaving on her own.

At Roni's bar, Chloe and Lucy walked inside to pick up some food for Lucy and the sitter that night, "Hey, Roni. You got that to-go order?" Chloe asked.

"Um, yes. Remy's firing it up now. No time to eat here?" Roni said.

"Oh, it's for Lucy and her sitter. I got plans with Jacinda, Sabine, Julia and Alesha tonight," Chloe's phone rang, "That's the sitter calling," Chloe said and walked to the side to take the call.

Roni gave Lucy some cocoa, "What's the cocoa for?" Lucy asked.

"Well, keeping up this ruse about Henry is hard on you. I can tell. But until I get my hands on some magic, there's no way to undo what Ivy's done," Lucy looked upset, "Hey, keeping your mom and dad apart keeps him alive," Roni said.

"At least my mom has Sabine, Jacinda, Alesha and now Julia. Henry has nobody to cheer him up a part from Julia," Lucy said.

"You know, your dad might be kind of a loner here, but before the curse, he had some pretty great friends," Roni said.

"Like fairy-tale friends?" Lucy asked.

"His four best friends were Captain Hook, Will Scarlet, Jack, Prince Phillip and Christopher Robin," Lucy looked confused, "Here, they're known as Detective Rogers, Detective Strong, Nick, Cain and Jake," Roni said.

"What's this about my husband?" Julia asked as she walked out of the basement.

"Friends with Henry," Roni said.

"Oh, yeah, took them a while though," Julia said.

"You mean my dad and my cursed dad were friends?" Lucy said.

"Yeah," Roni and Julia said.

"How does that help us here?" Lucy asked

"I bet if we get your dad and his old friends together fate'll do the rest," Roni said.

"I'm on it. Operation Bromance is a go," Lucy said.

"Hmm," Roni smiled and the three shared a toast.

"Hmm," Roni smiled and the three shared a toast

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