35 - The Guardian

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Mr Gold went to a mausoleum and used his dagger to conjure a framed photo of Callie, "Can you hear me, sweetheart? It's me, I know it's only been a short time since I began my journey without you but it feels like an eternity. I received a letter from Gideon. He's doing well in his studies, our son misses you as do Katy and Daniella... Katy is struggling at the moment but she won't talk to me and I don't know why..." He sighed, "You'd know what to do and what to say... I miss you so much," Mr Gold said.

Dr Facilier stepped out, "That's good, quite good, let it all out. After all, there's no greater pain than being separated from true love... Especially for an immortal like you, Dark One," Dr Facilier said.

"I don't know who you are or why you're here but I suggest you go," Mr Gold said not looking at Dr Facilier.

"The name's Facilier and I came to help. You see, anyone can come here to talk to the dead or those who live on the other side, it's hearing them that's the trick. You came to ask Callie if the girl you met, named Alice, is truly the Guardian that you seek. If you're really so interested in surrendering your power, perhaps I should take it from you instead," Dr Facilier said holding a voodoo doll of Mr Gold and a needle then jabbed the doll with the needle but nothing happened to him.

"You honestly think a pincushion is gonna work on me? Very well. Now, I get the chance to do this," Mr Gold said as he began to choke him with magic and lifted him in the air.

 Now, I get the chance to do this," Mr Gold said as he began to choke him with magic and lifted him in the air

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"If you truly can hear my wife, then tell me, what did she say?" Mr Gold said.

"The Guardian has to be pure of heart, but the only way to know is to test Alice. Callie says you have to hurry," Dr Facilier said.

"Why?!" Mr Gold asked in a slight panic and tightened his magical grip on Dr Facilier.

Dr Facilier groaned, "Because she sees there's still darkness in you and she's afraid that without her you'll succumb to it first," Dr Facilier said.

Mr Gold saw the golden scales appearing on his hand and he released Dr Facilier then turned to Callie's picture, "Don't worry, Callie. I'll find the Guardian in time, I promise," Mr Gold said.

"Oh, you better hope you do because if you don't, I'll be there to pluck your precious dagger from you," Mr Gold waved his hands opened the doors to the mausoleum and walked out, "Good luck, Dark One," Dr Facilier said.

End of Flashback

In the station, Detective Rogers and Detective Weaver stepped out of an elevator, "So, what do we do when we talk to this head case? Do we call him Nick or is It Hansel?" Detective Rogers asked.

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