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19 May 2015,Sunday

Iris happily strutted down to Starbucks to get herself a nice,cool chocolate frappuccino as it was a warm,sunny day in Gifford,Florida.

Iris' beautiful,dress decorated with different colour flowers blew slightly from the little wind that was blowing.
Her white sandals tapped lightly against the ground with each step she took and her long,moisturized,curly hair hung down to the middle of her back shining.

Iris was a very beautiful girl with a sweet,innocent personality.Everyone loved and adored her,no matter how much you tried,you could never hate such a beautiful soul.

"Hey Iris,it's so nice to see you again." One of the workers,Kayla greeted as Iris walked up to the counter.

"Hi Kayla,it's good to see you too,how are you?"Iris asked in her soft,angelic voice that everyone loved hearing as she wore a big,bright smile on her face.

"I'm good,the usual?"Kayla asked as she returned the smile,grabbing a Venti sized cup and while holding her black marker.

"Yes,extra chocolate drizzle please." She said nodding her head agreeing with her answer.

"Coming right up."Kayla said passing the cup to another worker who made the drinks.

"Hey Kayla."A lightskin girl named India said as she walked in with a group of older looking guys.

"Hey Dia,hey guys."Kayla greeted back smiling.

"What can I get for you today?"she asked them making her older brother, Von mug her.

"Fuck you speaking so proper for?"he questioned her making her roll her eyes.

"I'm at work Von."she told him sighing as he always wanted to make a big deal out of things.

"Okay guys let's just order."Another lightskin girl named Mariah said not wanting a scene to be caused.

"Bye Kayla."Iris greeted with her drink in her hand.

"Bye I,see you whenever."Kayla said waving at her smiling watching as she exited out the restaurant.

"Who's that?"Booka asked licking his lips.

"My friend who isn't interested."Kayla answered making him smack his lips.

"Watch where you going baby."A tall, darkskin,dread headed guy named Melly told Iris as she nearly bumped into him.

"Sorry sir,I'll pay more attention next time,I apologize."she said giving him a small smile.

"It's aight,be careful."he told her smiling.

She nodded smiling as she took a sip from her drink.

"It taste good?"He questioned seeing how she was enjoying it.

"Very,it's my favourite."she answered happily.

"Aight Imma get me one,you can go,be safe baby."he told her putting a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Okay,you too,bye."she said nearly melting at his touch.

"Bye."he said watching her as she walked down the pavement heading to the corner store near her house.

He smiled shaking his head walking into Starbucks where his friends were ordering and arguing.

"Wassum."he greeted hugging Mariah and kissing her.

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