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Same day,14:37

The group had just arrived back home and were unpacking the groceries in the places they should be.

"Take the bags to Melly."Booka said to Iris pointing to the bags of clothes and shoes and his packets of snacks and drinks making her look at him crazy.

"I am not carrying those things alone, in fact you helping me now,take."Iris said handing him bags making him groan.

"Yes put him in his place girl."India said laughing at him as he stomped up the stairs.

"Walk properly and fix your face."Iris told him making him obey as she followed behind him.

"Shit mommy Iris is that you?"Durk asked as they laughed.

Iris rolled her eyes smiling as she walked into Melly's room seeing he was awake on his phone.

"Damn them mines?"he asked looking at them.

"Yes nigga,yo ass done asked for the whole store."Booka said mugging him as he put the bags on the bed.

"Thank you baby."he said kissing her.

"Can I go mommy Iris?"Booka asked her.

"Yes you can go."She said waving him off.

He sighed in relief as he closed the door behind him.

"Did they pick this shit out of you?" Melly asked her as he checked out the many different clothes she bought.

"They picked out the snacks and I picked out the clothes."she said making him smile.

"This shit fire."he said as he looked at his shoes.

"I see you're feeling better."She said making him nod.

"Yeah,I ate and then I felt better."he told her.

"Okay,I'll put this in the closet for now, we can pack it away later."she said taking the bags and putting them in the closet while he put his bags with snacks on the floor,next to the nightstand.

"Come here."Melly said patting next to him.

Iris took off her shoes,putting them infront of the bed before getting on.

"Lay down."Melly told her as he supported his upper body with his arm to keep himself up as he looked down at her.

"Wh-"she was cut off by him leaning down and connecting their lips.

Melly got ontop of her,pressing his body down on hers as he deepened the kiss adding his tongue.

Iris wrapped her arms around his neck as she locked her legs around his waist

The two swirled their tongues around exchanging spit.

Melly pulled back breathing heavily.

"You love me."He said smiling at her.

Iris smiled as she realised India had sent him the video.

"No."she said making him smack his lips.

"Be for real baby."he said kissing her neck sucking on it.

"Yes,but I'm not saying it."she said quietly.

"That's aight baby,me too."he said admiring the dark spot he made.

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