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The next day,23 May 2015,10:00

"Papa wake up."Iris said kissing Melly's lips as she sat on him while he was still laying on his back from yesterday.

"Mm."he groaned placing his right arm over his eyes.

"Wake up,we're going out,we waiting for you,you've been sleeping since the afternoon."she said poking him.

"Ion wanna go."he told her hoarsely from tiredness.

"What's wrong?"she asked concerned.

"Nun,I'm just tired."he said partially telling the truth.

"No tell me papa,something's wrong." She said moving his arm so she could see his full face.

"I'm fine baby."he said rubbing her thighs.

"Is it the pills?"she asked him remembering he told her that the pills make him tired.

"Prolly."he said as he felt like this every time he takes them.

"What do they help you with?"she asked not sure she wanted him taking them.

"To keep them inside,like I told you they crazy and my ma don't think I can keep them under control but I been doing fine for year,she think now cause I'm older they finna be on some other shit."he told her finally opening his eyes seeing how worried she looked.

"Don't take them,if you can do it without them then do it,if you see she was right then you have to take them." She told him grabbing one of his hands giving him a small smile.

"Aight baby,I appreciate you so much." He said giving her a tired smile.

"It's okay,you can sleep again,I'll bring you things,call me if you need something."she said leaning down and giving him a kiss.

"Thank you baby."he said feeling his heart warm from how much she cared.

"You're welcome,I'll see you later hopefully."she said giving him a quick peck before getting off him and out the room,closing the door.

"He's not coming."Iris said as she walked downstairs.

"Why not?"India asked furrowing her eyebrows as he loved going out.

"He's not feeling well."she said keeping it short making them nod.

"Aight,let's go."Durk said grabbing his keys as everyone stood up.

"What's wrong with him?"India whispered to Iris as they got in Durks car with everyone.

"Ion know if he told you yet,so I'm not going to say anything."She told her making her nod.

"What we whispering about?"Booka asked leaning in so he could hear.

"Boy go away."India said moving his head.

"I'm squashed."Muwop said as he was squashed against the door from Booka India and Iris sitting at the back with him as Durk and Von sat Infront.

"Let's go back there."India said to Iris pointing to the trunk.

Iris nodded as they climbed over the seat sitting down in the open space.

"So how was it yesterday?"Iris asked her stretching out her legs.

"Mmcht he all talk,he said he was gonna make me not talk,look at me I'm talking,he said he don't want to hurt me."India said mugging.

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