Thirty two

857 34 5


20 October 2017,two months later, 9:00

It's been two months since Melly had ended things with Iris and she has not been the same since.

The only time Iris would ever come out of the room was maybe once every week to get a glass of water.

Latto had been trying to get her to eat or atleast get out the house but Iris would refuse every time.

Scrolling through Instagram, Iris had come across a shade room post.

Seems like rapper #ynwmelly took his girlfriend #cubandoll out for breakfast #baewatch #teamates

Iris frowned as she typed in Melly's username, clicking on his recent post.

Took my beautiful girl out to breakfast💚 @cubandoll

Clicking on the tag, Iris felt tears brim her eyes as she began degrading herself.

This was her first time seeing Cuban as she wasn't really on her phone.

Here she was starving and crying over a man who never even once thought of her and living his life.

Getting out of bed, Iris decided she was not going to slowly kill herself over a man who wasn't worried about her.

She was going to have fun and live her life like she did before she met him.

If he can move on so can she.

Going into the bathroom, Iris placed the plug in the bath, running hot water inside, adding foam bath.

Today was a 'me' day.

Right now she was going to have a relaxing bath and then go get her hair and nails done at Latto's aunt's salon.

Iris was currently sat in one of the waiting seats as Latto's aunt was finishing up a client.

"Iris you may come." Lucia called out with a smile.

"Hey aunt Lulu." Iris greeted hugging her.

"Hey my baby, how are you, I haven't seen you in a while." Lucia greeted back sitting back down.

"I'm feeling much better than I was a few hours ago." Iris said sitting down as well.

"Okay you can tell me about it while I'm busy, what would you like?" Lucia questioned.

"I want royal blue coffin nails with lil designs on the ring finger nail and a bit on the middle." Iris explained placing her hands down on the table.

"Okay, I like that you take care of your hands and nails, but spill girly." Lucia said taking her right hand.

"Okay well remember when I told you about a boy, Melly, well we never made up and we got into an argument two months ago and I've been depressed, starving, and just barely getting out the room.

Meanwhile he was the whole time living his life, getting famous off his music and he got a girlfriend, I found this all out today so I decided fuck it, I'm not about to be killing myself over no body, I'm not that weak." Iris explained being careful not to be loud as there were people around them.

"Aw no, I really wanted y'all together, but I'm glad you decided to be the boss bitch you are and get yourself right, because if I had to hear you were dead over some big foreheaded ass nigga I was gonna bring you back to life and beat yo ass to death again." Lucia said making them laugh.

"You getting your hair done too?" She questioned placing on the thumb nail.

"Yes, I look a mess, that's why I came with a bonnet." Iris answered.

"Are you getting a wig this time or you keeping it natural?" Lucia asked carrying on with the next nail.

"Are you getting a wig this time or you keeping it natural?" Lucia asked carrying on with the next nail

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"Keeping it natural, you know I love my hair." Iris answered smiling.

"Mhm, who don't love your hair?" Lucia questioned slightly chuckling.

After around nearly 2 hours, Iris was done with her nails and her hair which was currently in a half up and half down, with the top being in a bun.

"Thank you so much." Iris said handing the girl who was around her age, 200.

"You're welcome and it's only 150." The girl said smiling, attempting to hand her a 50 back.

"I know, keep the change." Iris said winking at her, before waving goodbye to the rest, and exiting out the store.

Now she would treat herself to her favourite Starbucks drinks, and the delicious muffins and cake they sell.

I hope she doesn't bump into anybody.

Heyy, i am so sorry for just disappearing, i havent really had motivation to write.

I'll really try my best to do more.

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