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The next day,25 May 2015


"You awake too baby."Melly said lightly laughing as he looked down at her laying on his chest.

"Mhm,yesterday was so fun papa."she said tiredly.

"Mhm,I'm glad you enjoyed yourself baby."he said rubbing her back.

"Who's next?"she asked looking up at him making laugh.

"Either Melcom or Maurice."he said.

"I want Maurice."she said smiling.

"Yeah nah you getting Melcom."he said making her pout.

"No,I need to get my freak-a-leak on." She said sliding his hand in his sweats grabbing a hold of his dick.

"Nah you good baby."he said kissing her forehead.

"Fine,when I meet Melvin,I'm going to ride his dick and throw it back on him when he beating my back in and-"

"Aight aight,I get it,you love the nigga more than me."Melly said cutting her off.

"Boy don't interrupt me when I'm talking about my husband."she said poking his nose.

"He said if you keep talking he finna come out here right now and fuck yo throat and have you in every single position in existence and go all around the house."he told her making her eyes widen with a big smile on her face.

"Fine with m-"

"No,sleep."he told her covering her mouth with his hand.

"You boring,don't want me to get some demon dick."she said rolling her eyes.

"He finna get you pregnant the first time you fuck so I think it's best you don't."he told her kissing her.

"Shi for him,I'll get pregnant right now."she said sticking out her tongue.

"If you'on take yo ass back to sleep."he said smacking her ass.

"Ugh whatever."she said closing her eyes.

Once Iris was asleep Melly just stared at her.

He took in every facial detail he could see and admired it.

She was absolutely perfect in his eyes.

He could not find one single flaw on her.

How could a guy like him get so lucky to have a girl like her.

They were opposites.

He was all mean and crazy,she was all nice and sweet.

He wasn't complaining though,he wouldn't replace her for a thing.

No matter how bad of a person he thought he was,he would never say some shit like "You don't deserve me, you deserve so much more."He was with her and was always going to be with her.

There was no escaping him.

She was his and he was hers.

He had never ever thought about marriage with any other girl.

He can't believe he thought what he had with Mariah was love.He didn't even know what you could call that.

He never thought he would actually fall for a girl so hard,all his personalities like them but here he was,planning a whole future for a girl he's not even officially with.

He smiled at the thought of how happy his mother will be once he tells her the news.

All she wanted was for him to find the girl who will keep him sane and love him the way he needs to be loved and now he has that.

"Thank you so much baby,you'on know how much you impacting my life,you finna make me achieve so many good things,you keep me positive,you give me peace,you my heart,you my soul, you my baby,you my rainbow,my Iris." He whispered kissing her forehead.

"I love you so much."he said as he closed his eyes feeling himself get tired.

Once his breathing slowed and he was fast asleep,Iris opened her eyes looking up at him smiling.

She had woken up due to his small but heavy movements he made and heard what he said.

"I love you too papa."she whispered kissing his jaw before going to sleep for a final time.

They could sleep as long as they wanted to.

Today was the day they were just going to stay in bed and cuddle like they had planned to.

They enjoyed the alone time they were getting.

It made them feel closer.

They could talk about anything and do things couples would do.

Yes they loved hanging with the others but they would have to minimise the amount of loving they did with each other.

They could hang out again tomorrow.

For now it was just Iris and Melly time.

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