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Same day,17:50

"Oh gosh,I'm not ready."Iris said as Marcus pulled up to the house.

"You'll be fine baby,ay go inside so long."Marcus said looking at the others.

They nodded getting out and walking up to the house.

"Come here baby."Marcus said patting his lap.

Iris unbuckled her seatbelt before climbing over to his side and sitting down on his lap facing him with her legs on both sides of him.

"You'll be aight baby,she a nice person for real,she ain't one of them strict mamas that in love with they sons."he said making her smile.

"Mhm there go that pretty smile."he said smiling at her and pulling her in by her neck,placing a kiss on her lips.

"Mm Mar-"

Marcus cut her off as she tried to pull away,deepening their kiss,slipping his tongue inside.

"Mm,I change my mind,put these on." He said pulling away and handing her panties she has never seen before.

"This aren't mine."she said making him smirk.

"It is,I bought it for you,still new."he said licking his lips.

"Why these ones specifically?"she asked squinting her eyes at him.

"You ask too many damn questions just put them on."he said sucking his teeth.

"Whatever."she said turning around so her back was facing him and sliding on the panties as it felt way different from the ones she wore.

"You good now baby?"he asked making her shake her head.

He smacked his lips pulling out his phone,going on an app.

He smirked as he set the vibration to 5%.

"Oh gosh,Marcus!"she shouted hitting him as she felt it.

"I said you good now baby?"He asked her moving it up to 10.

"Oh fuck,yes I'm good."she moaned making him put it back to zero.

"Good girl,now get out."he said kissing her neck.

Iris shook her head opening the door and getting out as he got out behind her smacking her ass.

"Boy."she said as he locked the car.

"Mm you know you like that shit."he said interlocking their hands as they walked up to the house.

"Whatever."she said rolling her eyes as he knocked on the door.

"Hey baby."Jamie said as she opened the door.

"Hey ma."he greeted hugging her and kissing her cheek.

"Iris,it's so nice to meet you,you look wonderful."she said looking at Iris, pulling her into a hug.

"Hey miss demons,thank you,it's nice to meet you too."Iris said nervously.

"Girl don't be nervous,call me ma or mama please."Jamie said smiling before letting them in.

"Oh gosh,that smells good."Iris said as she was about to pass by the kitchen.

"Mhm taste even better."Marcus said licking his lips.

"Do you wanna help me cook?You know we can have girl talk and him." Jamie asked Iris.

"Oh ofcourse,yes,yeah."Iris said as her eyes stung.

"Baby chill."Marcus said kissing her cheek and rubbing her back.

"Oh no,I'm not nervous,I'm just emotional,cause I've never got to do this before."she said wiping her eyes.

"Oh right,my fault baby,have fun."he said hugging before walking to the living room where the others were sitting.

"Okay you can check on the rice there so long."Jamie said pointing to a pot on the stove.

"So he never told me how you guys met."she said as she stood next to Iris checking on the lamb chops.

"Oh well I nearly bumped into him as I was walking down the street from Starbucks and he was just all nice, flirty and then minutes later him and the others were at the store and his ex Mariah snatched the last packet of sour worms from me and he set her in her place and talked to me,being flirty again and wanting to kill my ex."she said summarising the story.

"I-wow okay then,so he tells me your his soulmate."Jamie said raising her eyebrows.

"Yeah,I didn't believe him at first but I think I do now."Iris said smiling.

"Are you going to meet Marvin or Maurice next?"she asked placing the lid back on the pot moving on to the potato salad.

"He's still deciding,he's scared Maurice and I are gonna get freaky and he thinks Marvin is too aggressive for now."Iris said letting out a breath laugh.

"He's really worried about Marvin?Oh gosh,I wonder how he'll be once it gets down to Jamell and Melvin."Jamie said laughing as she mixed the potatoes with the mayonnaise.

"He definitely doesn't want me with Marvin cause I keep saying Melvin better."Iris said checking on the potatoes.

"I like you,you're good for him,really." Jamie said sighing as she smiled at Iris

"I'm honoured."Iris said smiling.

The whole time Marcus watched the two smiling.He was glad they were getting along.Now he just had to wait for one more lil girl and he'll have his heart full.

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