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Same day,11:00

"Aight baby you ready?"Melly asked Iris as he sat on the bed with her standing Infront of him excitedly.

"Yeah."she said clasping her hands together.

"Aight."he said closing his eyes as his right eye twitched indicating he was now Marcus.

Marcus slowly opened his eyes staring directly in hers.

"Hi."Iris squeled getting on his lap hugging him tightly.

"Hey baby."he greeted smiling as he hugged her back taking in her scent.

"You excited for me baby?"he asked her seeing how hard she was smiling.

"Very,oh gosh my cheeks hurt."she said trying to stop herself from smiling.

"It's aight baby,I love your smile."he said squashing her cheeks together.

Iris blushed as he held strong eye contact with her making her even more nervous.

"You so cute."he said placing his hands on her back to keep her from falling.

"Thank you."she said shyly looking down.

"Mm hm,look at me baby."he said lifting her head up.

"I wanna see your pretty face at all times."he said placing his lips on hers giving her a quick kiss.

"Stoppp."she said placing her head in the crook of his neck.

"Nah,you deserve all the compliments baby,you ready to go though?"he asked her rubbing her back.

"Yeah."she said getting off him as he stood up.

"No leave it baby."he said as she was about to grab her purse.


Marcus glared at her making her grab his hand walking out of the room not wanting to argue.

"Good girl."he said as they walked down the stairs hand in hand.

The two walked outside to Melly's car as Marcus opened the passenger side for her.

"Why you so quiet baby?"he asked as he reversed getting on the road,putting his hand on her thigh.

"I'm nervous."she said honestly.

"Don't be baby,still the same body just different personality."he said glancing at her before looking back at the road.

"I know,you're more of a flirt than he is."she said as she felt her body heat up from him rubbing her thigh.

"I know baby."he said winking at her once he stoped at a red light.

"Anywayysss,are we going to a beach,cause I have a bikini under."she asked him looking out the window.

"Yeah,we finna be there until the sun sets,then Imma take you somewhere else,no I'm not telling you."he said moving his hand upwards on her thigh.

"You look so pretty in this dress."he complimented licking his lips before driving again as the light turned green.

"Thank you."she said as her body tensed up.

"Relax baby,I ain't finna do nun."he said laughing.

"It's not funnyyy,you're teasing me,ion like it."she whined crossing her arms.

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