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The next day,11:23

Iris had just woken up out of her sleep.
She was so warm and comfortable she slept for a whole day.

"You awake baby?"Melly questioned looking down at her making her look up at him as her head was rested on his bare chest and her arms were wrapped around his waist.

"Goodmorning,good to see you after a whole damn day,had me in my feelings and shit,couldn't talk to my baby."he said smiling kissing her forehead.

Iris smiled looking down as her finger drew patterns on his stomach.

She looked at her arms and then body seeing he put his hoodie on her.

She moved her body over onto his, laying ontop of him.

"You coulda just said thank you."Melly said laughing rubbing her back.

"Thank you Melly."she said kissing his neck.

"Man you gotta chill with that shit."he said smacking her ass.

"I'm going to bath,my body is weak." She told him getting up slowly.

"Aight,shout out if you need me."he said making her nod picking out clothes that Melly and India packed for her in the closet.

About 30 minutes later,Iris was now standing in her undergarments applying lotion to her body.

"Ay baby can I come in?"Melly asked knocking.

"Yeah."she said making him open the door and walk in closing it behind him.

"Smells good."he said walking over to the toilet.

"Are you actually about to use the bathroom while I'm here?"she questioned looking at him.

"Yes."he said pulling his dick out making her quickly look away.

She stared at him with a parted mouth when he took toilet paper,wiping his dick off.

"What?"he asked flushing the toilet walking over to her,washing his hands.

"I thought you just shake it."she said making him laugh.

"Yeah but Im a clean nigga baby."he said kissing her cheek.

"Okay then."she said as he grabbed her ass.

"You're like a child."she said watching him laugh while jiggling her ass.

"Mmcht,not my fault that shit fat."he said wrapping his arms around her waist,putting his head on her shoulder.

"We look so good together."he said staring at them through the mirror.

"Mhm,crazy ass."she said causing him to suck his teeth.

"Ruining the moment and shit."he said as he began sucking on her neck.

"Which moment,the one that was never there?"she asked laughing making him bite her.

"Ow,move."she said hitting him.

"No,let me love on you."he said kissing the spot he bit.

"Boy you can't love me."she said smiling as she put her pants on.

"Why not?"he asked humping her as she was bent over putting on socks.

"Cause I said so."she said twerking on him.

"This shit be moving like water,when I first met you I ain't think you would know nun about nun."he said grabbing her waist grinding his dick on her.

"Looks baby,looks."she said standing up straight.

"Mmcht don't do that,you baby not me, pick sum else."he said as she walked out of the bathroom with him following behind.

"Mm,I don't know."she said getting on the bed.

"How bout daddy?"he suggested smirking.

"Yeah no."she said making him smack his lips.

"Just stick to that Melmel shit."he said pulling her to him as he also got on the bed.

"Okay,let's take pictures."she said going to her camera app.

"Aight."he said as they posed taking multiple pictures.

"They cute."she said as they looked at them.

"Send em to me and put one as your wallpaper."He told her.

"I'm putting this one,you put that one." She said showing him.

"I ain't never did no shit like this."he said smiling.

"I'm glad I'm the first."she said happily.

"Mhm,I got some to tell you."he said seriously making her look at him.

"What is it?"she asked placing her hand on his cheek.

"I have multiple personalities,6 of them,they're crazy,murderers and everything."he told her looking down.

"You're crazy,and a murder,and everything."she said smiling lifting up his head,rubbing his jaw.

"They way worse than me."he said.

"Well I don't care,you're my bestfriend and possibly future boyfriend so I'm excepting you for who you are like a bestfriend should."she said kissing him making him smile kissing her back.

"A year need to pass already,I'm tryna make you my wife."he said connecting their lips again.

"I had a dream about that."she told him playing with his dreads.

"For real?"he asked laying his head in her chest,wrapping his arms around her.

"Yeah,we got married and had kids and never had a bad day."she told him smiling.

"Yeah,how many kids we had?"he asked rubbing her stomach.

"2,2 beautiful baby girls."she said making him smile widely.

"I've always dreamt of having a luh baby girl."he said looking up at her.

"Well don't wake up until it's true."she said making him laugh.

"I won't,I'm so happy."he said closing his eyes.

"Me too."she whispered smiling.

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