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Same day,20:00

It was now 8 and Melly had arrived 5 minutes earlier but waited in the car as he wanted to be exactly on time.

He was about to knock on the door when Iris opened the door smiling.

"Well damn,it's good to see you again too."he said smiling.

"Mhm come in,you have a lot to explain."she said pulling him in closing the door and leading him upstairs.

"Aight shoot."he said once they got comfortable on her bed.

"Okay so question one,why do you like me?"she asked making him sigh.

"Man that shit was hard for me to understand too,when I first looked in yo eyes,I felt a spark and I just felt like I needed you."he told her keeping it short.

"Oh,I can't lie I felt that too,but we have to get to know each other,so maybe in a year or more."she told him making him nod pulling her closer to him.

"That's fine with me,I'll wait for you as long as you want baby."he said hugging her making her smile.

"Thank you."she said kissing his cheek.

"Mhm."he said checking his phone seeing he had a message from Jgreen.

'We got a snake.'the message read making him suck his teeth getting angry.

"I gotta go baby,I'll see you tomorrow." He said standing up calling Von.

"Snake."was all he said before hanging up and walking out.

"Wait I'm not here for the whole month."she said trailing off as she heard the front door close.

Iris,her mother and sister were going to her aunt's funeral who she has never even met but was forced to go as her mother said it would be respectful.

"I will text him before I go sleep,I'm hot."she said to herself getting up and going downstairs to the kitchen and taking a popsicle out.
A few hours later,00:00


"Iris,Melly and Von got locked up, check the shade room and come to the station."India said cutting her off as she answered the call from Melly's phone.

"Oh gosh,okay."She said hanging up, getting out of bed,putting on her shoes while going on Instagram.

She was shocked as she saw the post.

'they are definitely crazy.'she thought grabbing her keys and walking out making sure to lock the door before going to her car.

Yes,she had one but she rarely drove it as she loved to walk outside,exploring nature and breathing in the fresh air.

She quickly drove off to the police station where they were being held.

She didn't even know why she was going,but she was.

"Come on."India said as Iris pulled up getting out.

They walked inside to where Jayda was waiting with tears in her eyes.

"What did they do?"Iris asked as it must've been bad if Jayda wants to cry.

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