Twenty nine

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13 August 2017,the next day,17:00

Iris has just arrived at Melly's house, he told her he was having a movie night.

"Hi Mel,I'm outside."She said as Melly answered her call.

"Aight,I'm boming."he said hanging up.

Iris scrunched up her face as she got out of her car.

She told him about just hanging up.

"Wassum."He greeted as he met her at the door.

"Hi."She said blankly as she heard a few other voices.

Seeing the whole group sitting in the living room,Iris felt a wave of sadness wash over her body.

She thought it would just be a cute moment for the two of them.

Now she's just debating if she should go back home or just deal with it.

"Wassup Iris."The boys greeted.

"Hi."She said dryly,fake smiling.

"Is this your girlfriend Melly?"a girl she had never met said.

"Yeah."he said texting on his phone.

"Oh okay,I'm Layla,his girl bestfriend." The girl said fake smiling as she held her hand out.

Iris looked down at her hand before looking back up at her.

"I'm gone."She said turning back around.

"Mmcht where you going?"Melly asked frowning.

"Home."she said opening the door.

"Mane why?"He asked following her out,closing the door behind him.

"Cause of YOU."she said turning to look at him.

"I thought you invited me so we could have a cute movie night and make up but NO,we have to bring everyone and barely pay attention to me,you don't even seem happy to see me,other guys would brag about their girlfriends when they are asked about them but I get just a simple yeah."Iris said making his face soften.

"I thought we would've been better after tonight,but I see you still need more time."she said shaking her head, getting into her car and driving off.

Melly looked down at the ground as he sighed.

He didn't even realise how much he had been hurting her.

All she wanted was for them to spend time together and actually do cute couple stuff.

Melly walked back inside the house as anger and disappointment washed over his body.

"Leave,Von stay."He said sternly.

"You'a be aight."Durk said patting his shoulder as he walked passed.

"Can I st-"

"No."Melly said cutting her off.

Layla huffed as she stormed out, slamming the door.

"Ion know what to do man,I keep fucking up."He said sighing as he sat next to Von on the couch.

"What happened?"Von asked.

"She mad cause she wanted to have a movie night with just us two cause we was on had terms and maybe we coulda made up and I ain't been paying attention to her and I'm just now realising that shit."he explained placing his head in his hands as tears formed in his eyes.

"I don't wanna lose her nigga."he said looking at Von as a tear fell.

"And you not gonna,Imma help you aight,just do what I tell you aight."Von said making him nod.

"Aight so for now let her cool down, tomorrow go shopping for her,buy her favourite snacks and foods,clothes allat,just spoil her,drop them songs you recorded for her,show her how much you care for her and how much you appreciate the fact she still fucking with you."He said.

"Aight I can do that."Melly said nodding his head as he wiped the tear.

"Aight,ia let you rest,you need sum call me."Von said standing up.

"Aight preciate it jhit."Melly said standing up and dapping him up.

'Tomorrow finna be a long ass day.' Melly thought locking the door as Von left.

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