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The next day,21 May 2015


"Iris,up now!"her mother yelled barging into the room.

"I'm up ma."Iris said shivering as the blanket was yanked off her.

"Then act like it."her mother gritted hitting her leg making Iris wince grabbing her leg.

"Why aren't you getting dressed?"she asked pinching her arm.

"Okay,I'm up ma."Iris said sitting up holding her arm that had blood trickling down.

"You know what in fact your staying here,I suggest you put in something warm."her mother said walking out of the room slamming the door.

Iris sighed knowing what that meant.
Back to the basement.

She slowly got up going to the bathroom,taking a quick shower as she knew if she didn't hurry up,she would be in the basement naked.

She got dressed putting layers of clothes,starting from thin to thick and sitting on her bed with her head down as she tried not to cry.

About twenty minutes later,her mother barged in her room again,roughly grabbing her arm,dragging her down the stairs and down to the basement which was kind of hidden,basically throwing her inside,closing and locking the door.

Iris crawled to the cold,thin mattress that was on the floor as she layed down sobbing into the flat,small pillow that was there.

'A whole month,a whole month I'm going to be sitting here in the cold, starving,no contact with the outside world,no contact at all.Just me,these four walls,this mattress,this cold air.'

'I'm going to die in here.'she thought calming down as crying would not help her in any way right now.

Iris didn't think she would survive as she had never stayed down there for more than a week.

She wishes she was with Melly right now,hugging and kissing him,hearing him call her baby,hearing his compliments and him taking care of her.

She wanted to scream her lungs out as she was tired from everything.

She put her arms under the pillow deciding the best way to pass time would be to sleep.

So that's what she did,she surprising fell into a cold,uncomfortable sleep.
A few hour later,12:34

Iris woke up,looking around,sighing as she realised she was still in the basement.

She just had the most amazing dream of her and Melly getting married and having kids.She was so happy,which was what she wanted,to be in a happy,loving family.

She squinted her eyes as she saw a little light coming from the bottom of the wall on the left side of her.

She got up slowly,groaning in pain as the mattress has hurt her body.She walked over crouching down,touching the wall feeling it move.

She pulled the brick away seeing glass.
She pulled the rest seeing a window as she opened it,hearing talking.

She recognised the voices as she heard it was the group.

"Guys!"she shouted out making them quiet down,looking around.

"Come here!"she said making them walk over following the voice.

She reached out grabbing Vons foot as they were about to walk passed her.

"Oh shit."he said getting scared as he looked down.

"What the fuck you doing down here?" Durk asked as they all kneeled down looking at her.

"Help me."she said.

"I'm in the basement,it's locked so you're going to have to find a way to unlock it,but you're going to have to climb through my window and go to my mother's room to switch off the sensor for the front door."she explained to them making Von nod getting up as he was the one who knew most about breaking in.

"Yo mama did this to you baby?"Melly asked sadly.

"Yeah."she said making everyone get sad.

"We finna get you out baby,you staying with me,you will never see that bitch again."Melly said as calmly as he could.

"Robber Von deactivated."Von said opening the door.

"Oh gosh,thank you so much."Iris said standing up and hugging him tightly.

"You welcome ma."he said hugging her back smiling.

"Let's go pack yo things and get outta here,y'all niggas can come in!"he said shouting out to the others outside.

Iris and Von walked out the room as they others rushed in.

"Baby."Melly said hugging her.

"You guys act as if I was gone the whole year,you wouldn't have even known,wait why were you even here?" She asked as she told them she would be gone.

"Melly said he felt like something was wrong,like some soulmate thing."India told her making her smile.

"Okay,I believe it now."she said looking at Melly.

"You ain't believe it before?"he asked her frowning.

"Well you see it was,no,no I did not." She said scratching her head.

"Hurting a nigga feelings,but it's aight, I'm glad my baby okay,now I'll get to be with you everyday and don't need to stalk you."he said smiling kissing her.

"Y'all act like a couple."India said cheesing at them.

"I've said this about a million times before and I'll say it every time,she's my baby,so I'm treating her like my baby."he said pecking her lips three times.

"Okay can we pack her things?"Jayda asked not wanting to see more.

"Already done."Von said coming down with bags of her stuff.

"Nigga how you done in a minute?" Durk asked looking at him shocked.

"I'm Von nigga."he said smiling proudly.

"Thank you Von."Iris said hugging him again.

"No problemo."he said.

"Why are you so happy Von?"Jayda asked him smiling.

"Ion know,I just am."he said shrugging.

"To the car we gooo."He said handing some bags to Melly as they walked outside to the car.

"I'm so excited."Iris said getting in the car next to India.

"Me too."India said hugging her.

"Come on."Melly said getting in the back with them,wanting Iris to sit on his lap.

"I'm glad,I'm your soulmate,I didn't think I wouldn't made it out alive,if I even made it out."she said resting her head on his chest.

"I'm glad too baby,get some more sleep, I'll be right there when you wake up." he said kissing the top of her head as she nodded closing her eyes.

India watched them smiling,even thought this very short time they've known each other,she could see they were meant for each other and they were going to last,she was proud of Melly for actually treating a girl right.

She has never seen him so happy,he was like her older brother,so she was as proud as a little sister could be.

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