Thirty Three

761 31 1


20 October 2017,same day, 9:30

"Heyy Kay." Iris greeted Kayla as she walked up to the counter.

"Hey girl, I haven't seen you in a while." Kayla greeted with a wide smile spread across her face.

"Yeah, alot happened." Iris said softly.

"Yeah, im sorry, I heard and saw all on shaderoom, as messy as they be, it's where I find all my drama." Kayla sighed shaking her head.

"Im okay though, I've finally motivated myself to get out the house, because who's dieing over a guy?" Iris questioned causing Kayla to laugh.

"You right, you can sit down, I'll call you." Kayla said not wanting to hold the customers in line.

"Okay, add some bagels and donuts for me please." Iris said as she walked over to an empty table that was at the back corner.

"Wassup lil sis." Iris heard a familiar voice say, causing her to look up.

"Oh hey Durk, hey guys." She greeted the group seeing them sat by her table.

"Girl I missed you so much." India said nearly squeezing the life out of her.

"Yeah man, where you was at, we ain't see you since Melly said yall ain't fucking with each other no more." Von said as he sat on the other side of her.

"I was at my friend's house, I basically locked myself inside my room, and once I saw he was out living life, I decided I'm not about to keep starving for someone who don't care about me." she said shrugging.

"I see you with them blue nails, petty ass, but yo hair look good." Booka chuckled.

"Thank you." she said smiling.

"Man why yall sitting here?" Melly questioned sitting down as he held a strong mug on his face.

"Baby calm down." Cuban said kissing his cheek.

"Anyways this guy had dm'd me and I've been ignoring him, you know I was not in the mood for anyone, but he was really sweet though, he wasn't being thirsty like that." Iris said.

"Oop really, how he look, is he famous?" Kaliyah questioned.

"Yeah he kinda famous, he a rapper, Kay flock." Iris said unlocking her phone and opening Instagram.

"Bitchhh, no wayyss, that mans is finee." Keshia squealed.

"Ay chill out." Muwop said glaring at her.

"Girl respond to that mans." India said happily.

"Man yall girls hell." Booka said shaking his head, noticing how furious Melly looked.


Goodmorning ma❤️
I see you feeling better
You look good😊

Goodmorning love💜
Thank you for always checking on me
And thank you for the compliment☺️
Sorry I haven't been replying to you

You good ma
I understand
It's cool if I text you later
At the stu rn

Oh sure no problem
Have fun🙃

You too😋

"He's so cute." Iris chuckled locking her phone and placing it down.

"Girl I think you found a new manss." Kaliyah said as the four girls squealed and giggled.

"Yall annoying my man, be quiet." Cuban said rolling her eyes.

"Fuck yo man." Iris said mugging her.

"Watch yo fucking mouth." Melly finally spoke up not liking how she was disrespecting him.

"Yall hear sum?" Iris questioned looking around.

"Nah, must be Kayla calling your order." Keshia said in which Kayla was indeed calling her.

"Relax, ill get it for you." Von said getting up since he was at the end while she was in the middle.

"Thank you V." Iris said smiling.

"Girl I swear you better text that mans everyday, even if it's just for friends, he'll be good to keep around." India said glancing at Melly.

"I will, but i think I'll keep it as friends or sum." Iris shrugged.

"Here." Von said placing her order on the table.

"Thank you, yall tryna go to my house, Latto won't mind." Iris questioned.

"Fasho." Durk said smiling.

"aht aht, you a bit too happy for my liking." India said mugging him.

"Maybe her and Von can get into something since Asian keep fucking him over." Muwop said.

"You can put me on?" Von questioned.

"Yeah I'll do that for you V." she said poking his cheek.

"Preciate you man, this why you my fav for real." He said hugging her.

Durk dramatically gasped at Vons sentence causing them all to look at him.

"Aight fuck you too then, that's why Melly better." He said mugging Von causing Iris to dramatically gasp the same way he did.

"Accusations, false accusations." Iris said hugging Von.

"Shut yo ass up."Melly said.

"I'll smack you, don't talk to me." she said mugging him.

"Luh girl, you must be forgetting who I am." He threatened.

"Ofcourse I didn't, you're a bitch." she said fake smiling at him.

"And this bitch finna stab you, you keep fucking with me." He warned glaring at her.

"Do it, maybe I'll like it, who knows." she teased shrugging.

Everyone looked at her crazily.

"Unt Unt, girl when you turn crazy." Kaliyah questioned.

"If anyone crazy it's him, matter of fact, psycho." She said smirking.

"Luh girl I'm warning you." Melly said trying to contain himself.

"Pussy." Iris said testing him.

"Bet, watch out." He said smirking evilly at her as his eyes darkened before going back to normal.

Iris stared at him knowing he would never hurt her.

But she would continue with her game.

She won't let anyone run her like they used to.

It's mommy Iris now😏.

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