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20 May 2015,Monday

Melly sat in his office chair,in his trap house watching his laptop closely.

Last night he had found Iris' address and set up cameras in her room when she was sleeping.

He craved her,he needed her,she was his,he felt it the moment he looked in her eyes,they were meant to be.

She was currently sleeping as it was 5 in the morning.Melly couldn't help but smile at how cute she looked,he wouldn't mind seeing that every time he woke up.

"Come in."he said as he heard a knock on the door.

"Sir,Mariah is here."one of his workers Ten informed him.

"Tell her take her ass back to the house I done told her ass she not allowed here."Melly said sternly.

"Yes sir."Ten said closing the door and going back down to the first floor.

"Iris,wake up."Melly heard making his head snap towards his laptop seeing her boyfriend Lucas.

Melly furrowed his eyebrows angrily, mad at the fact he was waking up his baby from her beauty sleep.

"Lucas go away."she said groaning.

"No,we are getting your sleeping pattern right,this is the time you should be waking up."Lucas said making Melly scrunch up his face.

"But you didn't wake up at this time." Iris said smartly as Melly was thinking the same thing.

"My sleeping pattern is still right and we're getting your diet right too,all you eat is unhealthy food,your thighs and butt are big you need to lose some so you can be normal."he said making her eyes shoot open staring at him in shock.

Melly grew furious at what he just heard,slamming his laptop closed and heading out,throwing his office keys to Jgreen who was his assistant.

He walked out of the house getting in his car making sure he had his weapons before driving off.

He was so mad,he ran red lights and went way passed the speed limit but somehow made it to her house safely.

He got out his car hiding his weapons in his clothes going up to the front door.

He knocked at a respectful volume as he wasn't sure if her mother was home or not.

Soon Iris opened the door with tears in her eyes.She stared up at Melly and immediately hugged him not even caring that he somehow knew where she lived.

Melly hugged her back,growing even angrier seeing her cry cause of him.

Melly picked her up,going inside the house,closing the door behind him and sitting in the living room as she cried on his shoulder.

"Shh baby,don't cry please."he said rubbing her back as she sat on his lap with her legs on both sides of him and her arms wrapped around his neck.

"What happened baby,who made my baby sad?"He asked pushing her back so she could sit up.

He wiped her tears staring into her eyes as he couldn't see the shine and sparkle of joy in them like yesterday.

"I-h-"she couldn't even form words from how heartbroken she was.

Hearing those words from her own boyfriend hurt.

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