The Heist

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(Shepard and Thorne are on their way towards the Normandy SR2, but then a master hacker appears on a screen)

Kasumi: Commander Shepard. Enter the password and receive a free gift. Got a problem with collectors? Try Kasumi's free credit services!

Shepard: You know who I am, Kasumi. I'm not here to play games

Thorne: You two know each other?

Shepard: Not exactly. She was just on the list of recruits. I'll explain later

Kasumi: I knew you were hardcore, Shep, but I figured you'd be up for some intrigue... Kasumi Goto at your service. But you apparently already knew that

Shepard: Has cerberus filled you in on the mission?

Kasumi: Yes. I'm shocked they didn't come to see me sooner. My fault for being hard to find, I guess. I had something I needed help with, so I made them a deal. And here we are

Shepard: I assume this deal is something I should know about?

Kasumi: Yeah, I guess it slipped their minds. I'm looking for my old partner's graybox. A man named Donovan Hock took it, and I'm planning to get it back. He's an arms dealer, drug dealer, murderer, generally not a great guy

Thorne: The rich dickhead? I've been trying to catch him for over a year now

Kasumi: Then you and I have something in common. Hock's mansion is infamously hard to crack, but I have a way in. And I think you're going to love it. I've also taken the liberty of getting you some evening wear. You'll want to look presentable

Shepard: If that's what cerberus promised you for your help, then we'll get it done

Kasumi: It'll be fun. And if you're lucky, you won't even have to draw your gun. But I'm always expecting trouble. That's why you're here. See you on the ship

(Shepard and Thorne get to the Normandy SR2, and Thorne looks around in amazement)

Thorne: Ho Lee Shit. I could get used to this new Normandy. This thing really got a glow up. Is Joker still the pilot?

Shepard: You know it

Thorne: Awesome. Man, I missed this

Shepard: Just like old times

Thorne: Lets kick it off with a mission

(Joker flies the Normandy to a planet called Bekenstein)

(Shepard, Thorne, and Kasumi take a shuttle down to the surface and change into their fancy clothes as a disguise)

Kasumi: You clean up well, Commander Shepard. Hock won't know what hit him

Shepard: Now's probably a good time to talk details

Kasumi: You have been waiting patiently

(Kasumi pulls up some photos with her omni-tool and displays them on the shuttle's computer)

Kasumi: Our friend Hock is throwing a party for his closest friends. A few dozen of the worst liars, cheaters, and mass murderers you'll ever want to meet, all bringing gifts as a tribute to the man himself

(Kasumi displays a golden statue of Saren)

Kasumi: Our tribute is a lovely statue of your old friend Saren. Rendered with loving detail, and filled to the brim with our weapons and armor. You can keep your pistols as long as they're concealed. They won't hassle you over sidearms

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