🪔~Wish One~🪔

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I entered the cave looking for Nadakhan's ship with Cole and Lloyd.

"It's not here anymore." I state picking up some electrical wires.

"It was here though." Lloyd responded hopeful

"But where is it now?" Cole asked


We regroup in Yang Tavern. "I'm so tired of all this sneaking around." Kai complained

"Easy, Kai. We're all itching to get back into action. But so far two of our own have gone missing, and none of us have yet to lay an eye on him." Lloyd said

"If only we knew someone who had faced him and could tell us what to expect." Zane stated

"I wish Sensei Wu were here to guide us." I replied sighing and Jay jumped up running to me. "No! Don't say that word!"

I eyed him confused and he laughed nervously. "I mean, why wish when we have everything we need right here, right? Haha. Go, ninja, go?" Everyone in the tavern looks in our direction.

"Nice going. You blew our cover." Cole groaned

"No, he didn't." Nya said pointing to the TV.

I look at the TV to see a newsman. "I don't know why this is news anymore, but Ninjago City's once again under attack by pirates. Or dare I say, Sky Pirates?"

"We have to help!" I whisper yell

"But we're fugitives." Zane responded

"Doesn't matter. We protect the innocent." Lloyd agreed

"And Soto said the map is on that ship. If we wanna stop Nadakhan, we need it." Nya stated

"Well, what are we waiting for? I thought we were all itching to get back into action." Kai combatted and we all ran outside

"I forgot, what does the map look like?" Cole asks

"It's on a lantern. Look for a lantern." I replied using airjitsu to get on the ship I looked behind me great no one came with me. This isn't good maybe he doesn't know.

Suddenly Nadakhan appeared in front of me grabbing me and teleporting us on some island.

I looked around angry pulling my hood. "Take me back!"

"I wish I could." He sighed sadly then smiled. "Oh wait I can all you have to do is say the words."

"Never." I state

"Alright have fun on the island then." He said going away disinterested

"Wait!" I shouted as he flew back over


I can't outsmart him by using wishes. But maybe I could try antagonizing. I put a frown on my face. "You know I feel for you Nadakhan."

He eyed me confused as I walked away he followed me. "What do you mean?"

"We both have experienced the people we love falling for someone else. I know you like my friend Nya or is her name Delara?" I ask and he looks to the distance. "So I was just saying it must be tough seeing her fall for Jay."

"Jay! That insolent little junkyard boy?!" He yelled

"They are destined to be together. She is not meant to be with someone like you. I mean come on why would she want to be with a Djinn? She should be with someone who is like her." I say watching him clench his fist.

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