Chapter 1- Obsidian Eyes

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"For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the  love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord."  - Romans 8:38-39

Aniyah Zai

The funeral started off as a dark day.

"The life of Pastor Aaron Williams, where can I start...". It was a gloomy day. Black umbrellas were held up to shield us from the light rain.

I placed a single red rose onto my fathers casket.

I knew my dad was dying, he's been sick for a long time. I distracted myself with work, as usual. Working feels better than sitting home realizing my father is leaving this earth.

I should have been by his side. He preferred to be comfortable at home, he was in his bed surrounded by family when God called him home and I wasn't there...

"He played every role as my father, he was my protector and even my therapist at times." Light chuckles were heard over the rain.

"I can only thank God that I was blessed with such a great father. I know to many of you he served as your pastor, and I know for a fact that he enjoyed every moment he spent with you all. His congregation was his pride and joy, he wanted nothing more than to serve the people of God, and he accomplished his goal. God has called Pastor Aaron Williams home, and I know all the angels up above are rejoicing to receive such a beautiful soul." I gave my closing statement and went to sit down next to my mother.

My brother Tevin stepped up to begin his eulogy.

I looked around, many of the faces in the small crowd were unfamiliar to me. Other than immediate family, the core members of my fathers congregation are here. I haven't seen many of them since I left for college.

I took one more glance around me. All these people absolutely adored my father. A few women were huddled together shedding tears. I gave them a look of pity. I don't understand why I don't feel that sad right now.

Wrapped up in my own thoughts, I hear Tevin begin to speak.

"It's no need to cry y'all, I know my dad up there having dance battles with angels." Light chuckles were passed around. It's just like Tevin to light up the mood. He's 19 and in college. He can't be serious for nothing. The sad part is I know deep down he's hurting, dad was his best friend.

I stared down at my hands. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you dad.

I looked up from my hands and that's when our eyes connected....

He looked away as soon as my eyes met his. His face was hidden under the umbrella he held.

I know those eyes from somewhere.....

I shook these thoughts away and gave my brother my attention, and the funeral proceeded.


The gloomy sky calmed down and settled into a grayish blue. We were now outside in my parents backyard, with a few of the members from church. The funeral ended a few hours ago.

It pained me to see my mom so broken as they lowered my fathers casket into the ground, I know my father meant everything to her. He was her first love.

Even Tevin broke down, he stormed off crying, and sped off in his car. He never cries, in fact, I've never seen Tevin display any emotion, then the playful side he constantly shows us.

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