Chapter 9- Oh baby....

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"I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations." -Jeremiah 1:5

-Aniyah Zai

I'm staring at my ceiling in complete and utter disbelief.

It's Monday morning and I had my assistant cancel all my meetings.

I haven't spoken to anyone since yesterday. After I gave Mr. Jeffery the final decision I came home and been locked in my room ever since.

Everyone was blowing up my phone. My mom, Tevin, Salome, and especially Amare...

"Please talk to me." -Amare🤎
My phone screen reads.

He texted me at least 20 times. I signed and picked up my phone and called him.

"FaceTime me" he said.

"Dang can I at least get a hello, and I look crazy right now, no."

"Girl ain't nobody worried about how you look. FaceTime me."

I clicked the FaceTime button under his contact.

His face pops up. It's still early morning but he looks ready for the day. He has on a white tee shirt and he has his dreads pulled up in a pineapple type of ponytail.

"Hi"  he said.

Could this man get any finer...

"Hi Amare, and yes I'm okay..."

"You sure, you ran outta there so fast."

"I'm sure. I just got overwhelmed."

"Oh okay..."

The phone went silent and we just stared at each other.

Eventually he sat his phone up on his bathroom counter as he moved about.

"Um, good speech yesterday." He said laughing.

"Oh don't remind me!"

I am so embarrassed by what I said, but what did they expect, I wasn't ready to tell the church my decision.

"I...ummm... I..." Amare said mocking my terrible speech from yesterday.

"Stop!!!" We laughed and talked a bit more about what happened the day before.

15 minutes later he was back on his bed staring at me through his phone.

"What Amare... You know I don't like when you do that!" I said as I moved my phone a bit so he couldn't see me blush.

"Why can't I stare ma?"

Lord... not today.

"But seriously," I saw him sit up as he talked to me , "I wanted to ask you something."

"Yeah go ahead Amare."

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go to dinner with me."


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