Chapter 4- 1 Peter 4:8

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Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.
-Ephesians 4:32

~Amare Brown

At first, I really did want to see her only for strictly business. The poor girl was taking on a whole church and had no knowledge of it. I had to tell her.

I'm sorry Pastor Williams.

I dropped her off at her office. We talked more about the specifics and the financial part of her new 'inheritance'.

I mean she seemed okay with it...

Amare, who are you kidding. The poor girl was SHAKING.

"It doesn't matter, I'm going to be here to help her." I sighed, having yet another debate with the voice in my head.

Pastor Williams saw visions of Aniyah taking charge of that church, turning it into something new, especially for the youth, its Gods will and it will be done.

I pulled up to my house. I lived in a quiet neighborhood. It was a 2 bedroom, small but enough for me and Elijah.

Elijah is 17 now. He's on his way to North Carolina A&T on a football scholarship. Taking care of him was hard but hes using every tool I gave him. Hes kind, and smart, but he has a certain problem...girls.

Elijah is what you would call a "pretty boy." We have different dads. Both of them are absent. Hes biracial while I have dark, chocolate skin. With him about to go to college on this football scholarship, girls fling themselves on him every chance they get.

I'm not the boss of Elijah, he is practically a grown man, but he needs to know the type of woman worth his time, and the girls I've seen him with, lets just say.....they aren't.

I made sure that Elijah had a relationship with God when he was younger, as he got older he defined his own relationship with the Lord. These girls have distracted him from his relationship with God, and that I can't have. But he has to make his own mistakes....

I entered our living room and sat down.

All I can think about is Aniyah.

Her kinky 4c hair that barely touched her shoulders. Her skin. The way she smiled when I told her she looked nice. I knew of Aniyah as kids, but once she went to college and I started school, she never came around. I can understand why she didn't recognize me, since then I've grown to be 6'1 and locked up my hair.

I stood up and shook these thoughts off.

"You don't even know her and she just lost her dad. You're helping her with the church and that's it." I told myself as I walked into the kitchen. It's a mess. Elijah was supposed to clean this up last night....

"Elijah?" I yelled throughout the house.

No answer.

As if calling his name somehow summoned him, he walked in the door.

"Where have you been and be honest." I glared at him.

"I slept over at Chloe's okay? Stop questioning me." He walked right past me.

"Elijah how many times have we talked about this bro? That girl is not good for you." He walked up the stairs ignoring me.

You're not his dad Amare.

"We will talk about this later!" I yelled up the stairs as I heard his door slam.


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