Chapter 11- Lovers or Friends Pt.2

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""Watch out! Don't let your hearts be dulled by carousing and drunkenness, and by the worries of this life. Don't let that day catch you unaware,"
‭‭Luke‬ ‭21:34‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I woke up to the sound of pots shoveling about.

I got up and looked around. My clothes from yesterday are on the floor and my hair is mess. My head is pounding.

Wait... who's in my apartment?!

Relief flooded me as I realized it's just Malachi. I forgot he came over.

My heart began to race again as I looked at my surroundings, clothes on the floor, my bed is a mess, he didn't sleep in here did he? Did we....

I ran into the kitchen to find him going through my cupboards.

"Hi there, I thought I would make you something to eat."

Now who does this man think he is.

"Oh and Amare called you, at least I think that's his name, I told him you would holla at him later."

"You answered my phone?! And why are you here anyways!"

He looked up at me confused.

"Wha-What do you mean.. I stayed over, you was all crazy last night after the party, I slept on the couch..."

I let go of a sigh of relief. "Oh cause I thought.." well what did I think......

"You thought we... oh. Alright then. I'll just leave."

I didn't say anything to protest, I just let him leave. It was a mistake to even agree to let him come. He didn't say anything as he left. Once he slammed the door behind him the silence of my apartment took over.

I went to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I don't look like the Aniyah I know so well. I probably embarrassed myself so bad yesterday.  Amare....

He probably never wants to talk to me again. Last night I don't know what was up with us. We were barely talking, maybe Malachi's presence made him uncomfortable... I don't know. I had more drinks then I should have and I embarrassed myself. We weren't supposed to have alcohol there in the first place but Malachi had a lil something in his car....

Malachi said Amare called me so maybe he cares. 

I took care of my hygiene stuff and changed into a comfy set since it's still early in the morning. 

I sat on the edge of my bed and held my phone in my hands.

I sighed and called him, he didn't pick up.

I laid back on my bed and let out a scream of frustration.

I ended up falling asleep again. When I woke up my headache subsided.

I checked my phone and my heart dropped as I saw the text.

"Meet me at the Church at 5pm." ~Amare.

I looked at the clock next to the bed.

It read 4:45pm.....

I pulled up to the Church. It looked kind of pretty. The lawn was cut and the sun was setting behind the building. The cross sat high on top of it.

Amares car was the only car in the parking lot. He was sitting on the hood of it in an all black hoodie and sweats. I pulled up next to him and got out. He didn't look my way. I sat on the hood next to him, I was wrapped in a blanket, under it I had on a pair of jeans and a sweater.

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