Chapter 2 -For I know the plans I have for you

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She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her. 
-Proverbs 3:15

-Aniyah Zai

Yesterday was the funeral.

It almost felt like a dream until I woke up with the little white envelope on my night stand. It was almost like physical proof of yesterday's events.

I sat up and stared at it, contemplating if I should open it. I have a meeting at three today with Mayor Rowe's wife.

No distractions.

I left the envelope on the night stand and walked into my bathroom.I did my skin care routine after a quick shower. My apartment consisted of whites, and classy glass pieces. This was my space.

I pulled my afro up into a high puff. I got dressed in a skirt with a matching blazer. I put on concealer and applied some mascara with lip gloss, to complete my look. 

I stepped back and admired myself in the mirror.


I grabbed my bag and headed to the office.

The office or as I called it, "Design Central," took a while to complete. I wanted it to consist of neon abstract pieces of art to match the hot pink color scheme, and it did just that.

My business is my pride and joy. Securing contracts was like an obsession to me. To some its just decorating a home or random office space, but this business was my life's work.

I parked and headed towards the elevator. I waved to the doorman as I always did. I haven't been back to Design Central since 3 weeks ago, when I got that dreaded call that my dad was gone.

I shook off the terrible memory and stepped into my office.

"You have a three o'clock with Mrs. Rowe, she sent the floor plans yesterday." Emani, my secretary, walked busily besides me as I greeted everyone in my office. She continued to tell me my to-do list as I made a mental note of each thing.

"Mrs. Rowe put in a good word for you with the senator's wife, she wants you to revamp her garden space at their home in Charlotte," She handed me my daily cup of tea.

"Finally, you have a visitor. He didn't have an appointment, he was very um... persistent."

A visitor?

"Thank you Emani, I'll go see what he wants." She nodded and gave me a smile as she held the door open to my private room in Design Central. I guess you can call this my "mini office".

His back was turned, he was sitting in the chair in front of my desk. I walked over and placed my bag down.

"Listen I know I don't have an appointment, and the lady at the front tried to call security on me twice, I just needed to tell you that your-"

"I know you," I sat down at my desk facing him as he smiled. I meet these dark eyes once again.

"Yeah, I know you too." he placed his hand out for me to shake.

His dreads were tied in a bun this time, he was dressed in a black turtle neck with a simple gold chain on his neck. He wore the same black glasses as he did last time I saw him.

I stared at his hand, hes still waiting for me to return the gesture.


"You see I would accept that but I find it extremely disrespectful for you to barge in on my place of business Mr...?"

"Amare," he stated proudly as he took his hand away, he looked at me waiting for me to finish. "You can um.. continue"

Who does this dude think he is?

"Right, Mr. Amare, many of my clients wait months to even sit in the chair you are sitting at, so this better be good."

"You know when I saw you at the funeral you looked a lot nicer."

"Yeah, I noticed you staring...." I barely stated in a whisper as I pulled out my files I would need for the day.

"What was that?" he stared at me intensely with a smirk on his face.

"Nothing, please just tell me why you are here."

"Mr. Williams told me a lot about you Ms. Aniyah, and I felt it was my responsibility to tell you of his plans that involve you. He wanted you to find all this out before his passing, but a lot was going on and it didnt-"

"You knew my dad personally? I mean I saw you at the funeral and my parents home afterwards but I thought you were just a random member of our church"

"Oh Ms. Williams, I don't even know where to start, your dad was my-" he barely finished his sentence as Emani barged in, looking a bit stressed as usual.

"I'm sorry to interrupt Ms. Williams but you have to go see Mrs. Rowe now."

"Listen Mr. Amare, I'm sure what you have to say is important but I have business to attend too."

"Listen Aniyah I don't-"

"Its Ms. Williams to you."

"Right, Ms. Williams, but I need to tell you these things, your dad meant a lot to me and its vital you know what is about to happen," He stood up "Please lets discuss this over a cup of coffee, my treat, I don't think it would be even appropriate to discuss such things in your place of business."

Is he serious right now... I didn't know what to say.

I must have been quiet for a bit too long, he just placed a simple piece of paper on my desk and gave me a smile as he walked out.


"Girl then he asked me out for coffee." 

"WHAT" Salome screamed through my phone.

"Yes, well maybe im over reacting because he told me he needed to talk to me about dad."

"Speaking of dad, did you open the letter?" she asked me.

I haven't had time to grieve my fathers death. I'm scared reading that letter will bring so many emotions in all at one time, and I want to avoid them as long as possible.

"No not yet," she let out a sigh of disappointment "But he did leave me his number," I told her in a cheerful tone, distracting her from lecturing me about not being accountable over my feelings.

"I think you should call him and accept his invitation girl, its just coffee, and he knew dad, maybe this relates to the letter."

"You know what, your right sis, I'm going to do it right now, give kevene my love okay?"

"Yes ma'am, and you should come over I'm bored, Kevene wont let me lift a finger," she let out a breath of annoyance.

"Let that man take care of you, you deserve it, now I love you Salome."

We said our goodbyes. I stared at the paper in my hand.

Just call him Aniyah, why are you nervous.

Its around 8pm now, the meeting with Mrs. Rowe went well.

I'm sitting on my couch staring down at the busy scene of downtown outside my window. Other than the city lights, a simple candle burned in the background, giving me light.

Amare was in my head all day.

Its not even his face I was infatuated with but the sense of familiarity. It tore my brain apart. I have to know where I know this guy.

Just call him.....



Word count- 1241

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