Chapter 8- Take me to Church

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Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is.
Roman's 12:2

Today's the day. No more hiding.

I stood in the mirror gazing at my reflection. I smoothed out my light pink knee length frilly dress. My locks were pulled into a bun with two curly pieces in the front.

Amare told me everything there is to know. I got this.

I'm meeting my family at the church around 9 for 10am service.

No one at church knows about the inheritance yet and I should have a few more days left to give my dads advisor my final decision.

Around 9am I pulled up to the church. Church starts in an hour but a lot of people were there already. I got out and stood awkwardly by my car.

I saw my mom talking to a few of her friends I knew from growing up in church. Amare, Tevin, and Kevene were with a group of younger looking guys who were laughing and acting a fool.

I saw Salome and Mahogany with a group of woman, they were coo-ing at her petruding belly.

Who do I go to first....

For some reason I felt a sense of awkwardness, I haven't been here in years... it's all to much-

"Hi Ms. Aniyah"

"Hello... Ms..." I couldn't remember her name, yet her face was so familiar. She was an older lady, a neat grey bun sat on top of her head.

"I changed your diapers girl, why you look confused !" She said laughing like she just said the funniest thing in the world.

All I could do was stare at her blankly...

"You really don't remember me? I'm Ms Abrams."

Oh My....

"Hi! Oh my goodness!!." We laughed as she reached over for a hug.

"I am so embarrassed Ms Abrams, my mind went blank. I haven't seen you in so long and you look so good!" I told her as she did a twirl as I complimented her appearance.

Ms Abrams was my old praise dance teacher. Most of my nights in my childhood were in her basement for weekly practice so we could be ready on Sunday.

"It fine baby, and I'm so glad to see you here! I thought you would never return."

Here we go...

"I thought you ran off and strayed away from the Lord, and you know that you were raised in the church! Don't turn your back away from God baby." She said as she patted my back and led me over to the group of woman around my mom.

The next 20 minutes we're filled with unfamiliar faces and some familiar ones as well. I got lectured half the time, but it could have been worse.

If only they knew what was going to happen.

Before service started I ran into Amare.

"Hi best friend." He said as he smiled at me and opened his arms for a hug. This his new name for me, it's like I get a new nickname every week.

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