Chapter 20- While we're young

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Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. (‭‭‭Galatians‬ ‭6‬‬:‭9‬ ‭NIV‬‬)

"Why you staring into space?" Amare asked me.

We're in his car on the way to church. Gospel music was playing softly in the background.

"Just thinking."


"When our next date going to be."

He smiled. "Oh, you thinking bout that."

"Yeah of course, I feel like so much going on we barely hang out." I told him. I looked over at him and he had one hand on the wheel. His hair was up and he had on a white button up with khaki pants.

"Yeah I agree, a lot going on but it's going to get better. Watch."

Service was interesting. We went to the children's church at the beginning of service and came back to listen to my mom preach. It was adorable to watch little kids ask Amare a million questions, some of which he couldn't even answer.

My mom spoke about what a man is according to the Bible, not society.

It caused me to think about the men I choose before Amare. We aren't even together yet but before him my taste was pretty bad. I thought having a good boy would be lame, and he would be a push over, and that having a man with "rougher edges" would be more fun.

It made me think about the type of boyfriend Amare be. We both are dating to marry so ultimately, what type of husband would he be...

After church we all came over to my moms house. She was so excited and she claims she has good news.

"Okay. So, the big news is... we're going on vacation guys!"

"Where?" Salome asked.

"To the mountains, for a week, during thanksgiving break. I rented a cabin for all of us. It has 10 rooms and is big enough for everyone." My mom said, "even Amare, Elijah, and Chloe!"

It took everything in me to keep my mouth from dropping to the floor.

A week. In a cabin with AMARE?! I should be excited but a lot can go wrong.

I looked over Amare. He and Tevin were staring at each other with weird smirks.


"Amare, your like family. I hope you will join us. I know you have a lot on your plate with the kids but, please be out guest. I'm sure Aniyah would appreciate it as well." My mom said with a big smile.

"I would love too Miss. Williams." He replied, "It will be fun, right?" Amare asked me, playfully nudging my shoulder.


Amares P.O.V

Eventually I got home. I already knew about the trip. Tevin told me last week. I of course had to act clueless for Aniyah.

I plan to ask her out while we're there. I want it to be special, she deserves it.

"Hey." Chloe said. She was on the couch wrapped in a blanket. She's almost 5 months and her dad hasn't been by yet.

"Hi Chloe where's Elijah?"

"Oh, he's upstairs. If you could actually come sit down, we wanted to tell u something." Chloe said.

I took a seat and waited for Elijah to come downstairs.

"So." He started and I could easily tell he was nervous.

"I decided to not quit football."

"That's great man!" I dapped him up. I'm genuinely happy he decided to continue with it. He has a natural talent for it.

"But.. Chloe is going to move Upstate with me."


"Yes, I don't want to separate the baby from Elijah and I can do college online and have a part time job as well." Chloe said.

"We don't have all the specifics worked out but we wanted to let you know our plan." Elijah stated. He looked at me eager to hear what I was going to say.

"Well. I think overall it's a good idea but a lot of details will have to be worked out. I can't send Chloe up there, or you, if she won't be financially taken care of as well, yes her parents really aren't involved right now but who knows the future. Thank you guys for letting me know though."

"Yeah it's no problem bro, but we got something else for you too." He reached into his pocket and handed me a piece of paper.

It's a sonogram of the baby. In the top right corner in small print it states "It's A Girl."

"We found out today and decided to tell you first."

I stared at the picture in disbelief. Seeing the baby and now knowing it's a girl makes all this real for me. Elijah is really a dad now.

"Wow um, I'm honored." I reached over and gave Chloe a hug.

"Have you guys thought of names?" I asked Elijah.

"Yeah we got a few ideas we can't disclose right now. It's a secret." He said. Chloe giggled beside him.

"Well okay then I'll leave it alone. Y'all know about the trip right?" I asked Elijah.

"Yeah Tevin already text me. He said you finally asking Aniyah out."

"Bout time." Chloe said quietly to herself.

"Hey. Watch it." I told her with a laugh.

She laughed. "I'm just saying Amare. We all know she likes you and she's waiting for you to do it. A girl that pretty won't wait too long."

She's right. Aniyah is beautiful but she understands I was waiting on God to give us the yes. That's what everyone is not understanding.

"Well she will be mine in about three weeks and then all of y'all can shut up." I told them and went upstairs.

"I still love y'all though!" I yelled down the stairs then shut my room door.
Word Count: 970

This chapter was okay, I've been trying to get back into the swing of things. I went through a rough little time but I feel better now! Keep your girl In prayer though.

I have some good things coming so stick with it and I'm sorry for the slow updates as well.

Check out the song in the description^^^

God Bless ❤︎︎

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