Beep Beep BITCHES- Triplets

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"WHAT THE FUCK IS UP YOUTUBE" Chris yelled from the passenger seat. "Sir pipe down" Nick replied with some sass. "I'm Matt..."the boy in the driver seat had said. "I'm Nick..." the boy in the left hand seat behind Matt has said. "AND I'm Chris" the fluffy haired boy had concluded. "Today we have our best friend on a sister level...Y/NNNNN" Nick announced pulling me into the frame. I just waved and smiled as the other two did jazz hands. "Ya'll are cheesy asf" i managed to get out as i laughed at their ridiculousness. 

"Ok so we brought y/n with us today so we can talk about our childhood memories" Chris stated as we were all eating some sort of junk food we had collected from the 7-11 that was right in front of us. "We have been friends since we used to shit our pants" Matt added. "I could expose ya'll right now but ima let ya'll slide" I replied to Matt's comment. They all turn to look at me and glare in a way but look back at the camera. "Anyways, Charlotte wants to know how we all met" Nick said reading a suggestion off his phone. "Oh i know-" Matt started before Chris cut him off. "You weren't even there when we met her dumbfuck, Nick and I knew her first cause she was in our Daycare class with Ms. E" Chris interrupted. "Technically I met Nick and Chris when i was eating snack on the alphabet rug we had in our daycare room. Chris asked me if i wanted to trade my goldfish for his strawberries and I told him no. Then Nick asked if he could have my Barbie gummies and I'd take his pretzels and i traded. Chris pouted and then i felt bad and gave him my snack. We became friends after that then during recess one day they introduced me to Matt and we've been stuck like glue since then" I summarized before the two could get into an argument. " So moral of the story, if you want friends...bribe them with food" Nick commented making us all laugh.

"Nick fucking hurry up and read a question. Stop looking around" Chris complained. "Go suck a toe you annoying bitch...Who has the better driving skills" Nick said looking back up at the rest of us three. "Matt" I stated broadly. "Y/n" Matt responded looking at me. "Matt" Chris answered. "Y/n for sure" Nick stated truthfully. "Yeah it's definitely not Chris OR EVEN NICK, they drive like fucking headless chickens" Matt stated making Nick act offended. "wait but how can headless chickens drive-" Chris questioned confused. "THEY FUCKING CAN'T THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT" Nick said to his clueless triplet of a brother. I'm just laughing almost pissing my pants at how funny these boys are. 

"Alright guys thank you for watching uhm...make sure to stream yungpleit on Spotify. We love you all." Nick ends the video as we all lean back into our seats with an exaggerated sigh. "Time to go home ig..," I said sitting properly in my seat putting my seatbelt back on. "Ig so" *chris responded looking at me in the rear view mirror. Matt pulls out of the 7-11 parking lot which was dead. "Buckle up children" Matt said to all three of us. "Beep Beep BITCHES" Nick said and Matt drove onto the road driving us back to the Sturniolo household for a group sleepover.

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