Sleepover- Chris

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Y/n's POV

I had to clean up my apartment as quick as u could because Chris was coming over for a sleepover.

Him and I have been bestfriends since we were in elementary school. Out of the three I was closest with him.

Technically I invited all three of the brothers but Nick still had to edit the video and Matt just didn't wanna come. But Chris was stoked to come over.

I honestly loved spending time with Chris but sometimes I think our feelings get the best of us. Matt and Nick have told me that Chris liked me. Don't get me wrong I like liked him too but I didn't want to ruin our friendship.

I haven't told him how I felt, but I acted like I usually would with him, flirty but subtle.

Before I knew it, there was a knock on my door.

I scanned the room to make sure I had cleaned up everything in my apartment. Once I was sure everything was fine I went and opened the door.

There was the ocean blue eyes staring at me as a smile was spread from cheek to cheek.

He engulfed me in a warm hug, "hey."

I smiled and hugged back, "hey Chris."

He let go and dropped his bag off in my room then came out closing my room door as I closed my apartment door and locked it.

We both plopped onto couch as we faced each other, "so how's everything with you, Nick, and Matt?"

"Pretty good, we've been exhausted. Especially since we just got back from tour. Which btw would have been much better with you there," he said.

I frowned a bit, "well I'm sorry I couldn't go or make it to any of the shows. University has been kicking my ass. Especially since it's getting closer to finals for my semester so I needed to study as much as I could."

"I don't know why you keep going with school, we said you could just join us or do some modeling stuff," he replied.

"How do you even know I've been getting offers about modeling?" I questioned confused because I haven't told anyone.

"Because I saw some letters last sleepover before we left for tour. But anyways it's just fashion designing, the three of us will pay you to style us. Mainly Nick because that guy needs it," Chris says trying to compromise.

I pushed his shoulder, "Nick's style is just fine. And I have to build my own way up. I don't want to use you guys. I love you guys but I'll only help as a friend, not as a job where I'd get paid."

He sighed, "I guess you have a point, but you should really consider the modeling offers. You could always model then show them your designs and the BOOM you'll be famous and forget about us, Nate, and Madi."

I laughed, "I could never forget you guys. We've grown up together. Nate is literally like a brother to me and Madi is a way better sister than the one I have."

"How is Erin?" He asked since I haven't spoken ab her in a while.

I shrugged and looked down at my bracelets, "I haven't talked to her in a while

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I shrugged and looked down at my bracelets, "I haven't talked to her in a while. Last I heard, she was still working as a Private Investigator and she was with this one guy but I didn't pay much attention cause she mainly called me to check in on my mom. After I left Boston, my mom was left with my step dad and she was miserable. Because Yk after our dad died she couldn't make ends meet so she was stuck and had to get married to this rich jackass of a man.


"Erin can't leave me with Sean and mom," I said as my sister left for the academy every morning before I left to middle school.

"Y/n it's the same thing everyday; you know what to do as soon as you get done with school." She simply said putting on her coat.

"Ik but it's always the same argument everyday and I can't hide anymore Erin. Yk what happened last time I hid. Sean locked the doors and windows and made me sleep outside until you got home" I argued.

"Then just go to MaryLou's house and stay with the triplets, that's mom's best friend so she will defend you then," Erin said opening the door as the cool breeze slipped in.

I sighed and walked outside with her and as soon as she was about to get into her car I hugged her.

"I love you Erin"

"I love you too"

End of Flashback

"We used to actually like each other, but then mom got hooked up in drugs and then we separated. She had arguments with Erin and Erin had enough to when she moved out and moved to Chicago. But I haven't spoken to either of them for 5 month? Too long to tell" I said not looking up once.

"No matter how many times you tell me that story, I just feel worse from when I got mad at you for constantly coming over. Cause that was when-" He started

"You liked Allysa Cruz and she got jealous when I was at your house. So she gave you an ultimatum in the 8th grad," I cut off looking up at him.

He frowned a bit, "she was a bitch"

I laughed, "I could've told you that, and I think I did."

We laughed and decided to change the subject from my sad and depressing childhood to what movie we wanted to watch.

We got up from the couch and went to my room so we'd be more comfortable.

"I say a kids movie" I suggested.

Chris groans, "we always watch kids movies"

"Yeah well I hate scary movies, I hate romances, and comedy is boring," I said sitting up as I turn on the remote.

He sighed, "fine but since you chose the type of movie, I'm gonna choose the movie"

I gave him the remote as he went from all the kids movies and we finally landed on one.

Finding Nemo

We laid down and got comfortable. Then all of a sudden I felt a arm wrap around my waist in the middle of the movie.

I looked over at Chris to see he was super close to falling asleep. I smiled then turned back to the movie.

"Yk I really like you Y/n," he said catching ne by surprise.

I turned back around to look at him, "Chris."

"Ik what you're gonna say but hear me out. We've been best friends for so so long and I don't want to mess it up either. But I just can't keep being around you and then force myself to swallow my feelings. Wether you like me back or not idc. I've been wanting you to be my girlfriend for the longest time and I just can't keep holding it in"

"I really really don't want to ruin our friendship but, idgaf any more. I want to be yours" I responded.

He smiled even brighter than when he first got here.

"Will you Y/n be my gf?" He asked.

"Yes I would love to" I said.

For the rest of the night we cuddled and watched more kids movies as boyfriend and girlfriend.

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