Another One?!- Matt

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Y/n's pov

"Y/n we do not need another animal in our house. I understand you're a vet and wants to save everything but we legit have no room," my husband Matt said to me over the phone.

"Matt but you don't understand, he was just in a Target parking lot tied to one of the light poles. It's freezing outside and you know how I feel about animals in shelters," I say trying to convince him.

"No, end of discussion," he said annoyed.

I groaned and hung up on him. How could he have no heart? I mean this puppy was left out in the snow with not even a little blanket.

But my husband's words didn't change anything as I looked down and the puppy was laying down comfortably in my warm car.

But my husband's words didn't change anything as I looked down and the puppy was laying down comfortably in my warm car

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I could see where Matt was coming from because we do have 2 cats (Milo and Fish)

I could see where Matt was coming from because we do have 2 cats (Milo and Fish)

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2 dogs (Cruz and Shayna)

And my two piglets (Poppy and Peppa)

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And my two piglets (Poppy and Peppa)

But I mean come onnnn, all the animals are adorable!

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But I mean come onnnn, all the animals are adorable!

The only animals that are actually "ours" are Cruz and Shayna.

All the other 4 are rescues just the same as still little puppy I have in my car right now.

At first when I brought in Milo from my passed grandma he was fine with it. Then after milo I saw my grandma's neighbor had also passed so I took Fish. His name was actually David but, that's kinda weird so I named him Fish.

Those two have gotten along so well with our dogs so I really want to adopt them. Fostering animals is great, especially when I'm a vet but I hate knowing they aren't mine.

Then one day, my mom who lives on her farm asked if I can take care of the piglets while they situate things because the mom passed and my dad wasn't taking care of them so I gladly took them in.

Matt hates the piglets and Fish because they overcrowd our house.

But to be honest I don't see the issue.

Our house is huge, the piglets are outside all day then at night I bring them into the downstairs guest bedroom.

The dogs sleep in our room in their beds at night then in the morning they have free range to go in and out of the house through the big doggie doors.

Then the cats just sleep on their scratching post.

Now with this little baby, the routine might change a bit but im ok with that.

I think Matt will like the name im giving this dog too so hopefully everything goes as planned.

I walk into the house after putting the puppy in my purse and coving him with a random shirt I had in my car.

"Babe im home,"I shouted through the quiet house.

"I'm in the kitchen," was a response.

But before I could walk over there the whole swarm of dogs and cat came over to me.

I said hi to them all and went over to the kitchen.

"Cruz threw up on Milo after eating some apple he found in the garbage. Then Poppy and Peppa escaped out of their own in the garage and somehow ended up inside. These animals terrorize this house. I swear I can't do it anymore," he said while cooking our dinner.

I looked at the 4 animals currently around me while I'm guessing the piglets are back in the garage since it's snowing outside.

"Well I'm guessing i caught you at bad timing then," I said feeling awkward at what I had in my purse.

Matt looked at me to question what I meant but he was cut off by tiny puppy whimpers.

He looked at my purse then looked at me with the disappointment face, "is that what I think it i?"

I pulled the shirt off him and set my purse down after taking him out.

"Another one?!" Matt said putting his hand to his forehead in disbelief.

"Matt meet Matt Jr." I said proudly holding the puppy up.

He looked at me confused then put it together since he used to tell me when we first started dating how cool it would be to have a Saint Bernard and name it Matt jr.

"I know you told me no more animals but I just could let him be out there in the cold. Plus, it reminds me of when we first started dating," I said looking at the content puppy in my arms.

Matt walked over to me and took Matt Jr out of my arms, "you're finishing dinner, I'm going to spend time with my mini me."

I laughed to myself and continued cooking the food.

I looked after to the living room to see Matt laying in the couch with all 4 animals around him and the small puppy in his lap.

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