Babysitting- Matt

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Y/n's pov

I love babies so much. They are the cutest things ever. Not the newborn ones though, they aren't cute at all. But when they finally have their characteristics, is when they become cute.

Today my step mom asked me to babysit my baby sister while she goes out on a date with my dad.

Not only do I have to baby sit the baby, but i have to babysit my 4 year old step brother. So I should have a very busy night ahead of me.

"Bye sweetie, all the instructions are one the kitchen counter. Please don't be irresponsible while you're around them. I know you're a smoker and like to drink when we aren't here so please don't," my step mom said to me.

I rolled my eyes and walked to the living room once they closed the door.

I'm not a troubled teen, i just have a little fun sometimes. I'm not addicted to vaping, i just do it once a week. Ik it's bad for you but I've been using the chewing gum which has helped a lot.

As for the drinking, i don't go out to parties as much, especially now that i have a boyfriend. Id usually go to parties to get drunk and have one night stands but, Matt changed that.

We met when I used to work at this clothing store. I worker there to get money for vapes but i quit a while ago when I started laying back on it.

Matt hated drinking and smoking so I knew I had to stop because i really do love him.

He said he didn't care if I did those things because he loves me for who i am and he didn't want to change me, but i also didn't want to push him away. I tend to do that when I'm high or drunk, I'd just push people away and I wouldn't remember what i did later on so it has ruined many of my relationships. And i definitely don't want it to ruin this one.

My 4 year old step brother Evan sat next to me with his car, "Y/n can you play cars with me?"

I looked down at him but was interrupted by the baby crying from upstairs in her nursery.

I went upstairs and walked over to her crib then picked her up, "shhh it's ok Emmy, sissy is right here."

I rocked her back and forth till she fell back asleep and i laid her back down in her crib then went back downstairs to see Evan still on the couch.

"Now can you play?" He asked me.

I was about to answer again but there was a knock on the door.

I looked at him with a 'sorry' expression then went to the door. I opened it to see my boyfriend Matt.

Oh shit. We were supposed to hang out today.

"Her I forgot to tell you that i have to babysit Evan and Emmy while Christy and my dad are on a date," i said looking at him.

He smiled at me, "that's ok, i could babysit them with you."

I liked his suggestion but i wasn't sure, "idk Matt, I don't want to get in trouble just in case Christy thinks we just hung out and i didn't watch the kids."

Evan ran up behind me and pushed me aside, "Matt! Can you play cars with me?"

Matt picked him up and put him on his hip, "ofc i can buddy."

Matt carefully pushed me aside and walked into the house and into the living room where the hot wheels were.

I smiled then closed and locked the door.

I looked at the paper Christy left me and it was the most boring list ever.

It's just:

Playtime: 5:30-6:00
Dinner: 6:05-6:30
One episode of show: 6:35-7:20
Get ready for bed: 7:25-7:30
Bedtime: 7:35

It is so easy but so boring. I looked at the time to see it was already 5:45.

So as Matt played with Evan i went upstairs to get Emmy and bring her downstairs to jump in her jumper while I cooked up some food for Evan, Matt and I.

As Emmy jumped, i pulled out some Dino chicken nuggets and Box Kraft Mac n' cheese.

It was a simple dinner but i knew Evan wouldn't complain because even though Christy cooks really great food, sometimes just the most basic meals taste better.

I out the chicken nuggets on the tray in the oven and started cooking the Mac.

Evan came running and trying to hide by my legs.

"Evan please be careful, don't touch the oven door it's hot," i said but it was too late as Evan touch the glass on the door and starting whaling.

I looked at Matt who was clearly chasing him around and told him to finish dinner while I picked up Evan and took him upstairs to the master bathroom where everything was.

I sat him on the counter and he gave me his hand.

I gently grabbed it to see where he was burnt and it was just a small burn on his bottom part of his palm.

I put some cream on it and put a bandaid over it, then i took him off of the counter.

"Let's go see if Matt finished with dinner so we can get ready for bed?" I said grabbing his good hand and leaving the bathroom to go downstairs.

As I suspected, Matt finished with dinner and ad set out the plates.

He was sitting down already and Evan joined him once we got over there.

I went the fridge and smooshed up some strawberries then put it in Emmy's high chair table.

Then i took her out of her jumper and placed her in the high chair which she quickly enjoyed because she got to eat some food.

Once we all finished Evan told us he was too tired to watch paw patrol and wanted to go to her so that's what we did. We got the two ready first bed and out them both down.

It was all quiet.

So perfect.

Matt leaned up against the counter as I washed the dishes, "i had a great time with you today."

I smiled, "I did too, I'm sorry it couldn't be better."

"I loved babysitting with you, no need to apologize," he responded.

I out the dishes away and turned to him, "well I'm gonna apologize for what I'm ab to say now but that babysitting made me need gum."

Matt laughed and pulled one out of his picket since he always carried some for me.

I smiled and took one, "thank you"

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