You're what?!- Chris

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TW: talks of suicide, sexual assault, and abuse

Y/n's Pov

"Can you please get a dog so I can have a dog here in California," Chris asked me as I was driving us to a parking lot so we could eat our food.

"So let me get this straight, you want me to get a dog, but it will be your dog. But the dog will be living under my roof and I will be the one walking it and feeding it?"

"Yeah pretty much, but like I'm practically at your house all the time anyways," he responds.

"I'm not getting a dog Chris, I don't have the time to be taking care of one and plus anyways my mom is allergic. And you know how much my mom is at my house," I said after I parked the car.

"We can get a hypoallergenic one, plus your mom doesn't have to come to your house everyday. You can just ask her for some space and we can spend more time together, me, you, and our dog," Chris said.

"You know I can't tell my mom not to come over. I'm her only kid and I just moved out like a few months ago. I've been with her for as long as I know and I can't just tell her to leave me alone. But she has been taking some steps to letting me be. I just don't want to rush her," I responded turning towards him.

"Ok but there's still a hypoallergenic option," he tried reasoning.

"No Chris and that final, I'm not getting a dog. Ask Matt and Nick to get one. Or if you and I stay together and we move in together then there could be a possibility but I'm not getting a dog at the moment," I ended.

He sighed, "fine, but can you get like a fish or cat? I remember you told me you had a cat when you were younger and her name was Sweetie. I'm totally fine with having a cat."

"Yeah I had a cat named Sweetie, she was a Siamese cat. My mom got her for me as a housewarming gift," I said remembering the memory.

"Wait but I thought you said that you've lived in that house for practically your whole life," he questioned.

"Well I mean not really, I moved there when I was 5. My mom and dad knew I liked cats so they got me a Siamese one when it was my first time going to live with them," I answered.

"Were you like living with your grandparents or something that you weren't living with them?"

"No I was living with my foster parents before I got adopted by Jennifer and Will," I responded.

"You're what?! You're adopted?! How come I never knew that? You look so much like them actually," he exclaimed.

"Well I mean yeah I don't know if you want me to tell you the whole story," I said.

"Girl spill the beans, I wanna know," he put his seat back and turned to me.

"Well when my biological mother wasn't necessarily a bad mom, she just had me and my siblings when she was young. So Zach and Harper are actually my brothers and not my cousins. I never really talked about it because it's not really a talked about topic. Pretty much my mom had Harper when she was 15, she had Zach when she was 17, and then she had me when she was 20. But at the time she was pregnant with Harper, her mom kicked her out and she was living with Harper's dad. Then they broke up and she was living in a shelter while she was pregnant. My bio mom's name is Pam or Pamela by the way. So Pam ended up having Harper while she was in the shelter but by that time she was at school and worked after school hours and on weekends at a clothing store. But she didn't have enough money to rent an apartment and she wasn't if she either so she was just desperate. So when a man offered for her to stay with him in his home with his kids she took it. But later on she ended up getting yk pregnant by his adult son who was like 26 at the time and she was like 17. So obviously illegal. So then the man kicked her out while she was pregnant with his grandkid but then she moved in with the adult son cause he had his own apartment. Things were going good and Harper was going to daycare and then Zach was born," I took a breather and took a sip of my drink cause I was getting tired.

Chris seemed to be enjoying the story cause he was munching on his food and sipping his drink while listening.

I continued, "And they were going good for a while till Zach's dad lost his job and they were just living off of Pam's pay checks. I guess Zach's dad got so depressed and one day while Pam was at work he shot himself in the kitchen while Zach was taking a nap in his room and Harper was playing with her toys in the living room. And the kitchen was connected to the living room so Harper saw him kill himself. She had like PTSD for the longest time from what she told me. Then by the time Pam got home he was gone and they had to move out of the apartment and all his assets went to Zach. Pam set that money aside for Zach because she didn't want to get tempted and use it. So then they were back to living one the streets because she couldn't afford to buy a place in LA and every place was either dangerous or expensive. But by this time she actually had gotten back together with Harper's dad and later on became my dad. His name is Jason. So Pam moved in with Jason and then a few years pass and Harper is in school and Zach is in Pre-K. Then Jason got hooked on drugs and drinking and would just beat my mom. Sometimes he would try and hit Harper or Zach and she would take the beating for them. And one night Jason was so drunk he practically sexually assaulted Pam and then she ended getting pregnant with me. Right off the bat she knew she had to get out so she started saving money so she can leave. But by the time I was born it was too late because Jason beat her up so bad she was stuck in a coma for a good week or two. He went to jail. Jason's mom took Harper and I. Zach was sent to live with his dad's mom. Then when my mom got out of the hospital she was only able to get me back since I was a newborn. So she worked and worked until she was able to get the others. We all moved into a one bedroom apartment and we lived there for a good three years. And during those three years she found another boyfriend named Greg and Greg beat the shit outta all of us, but only when my mom was working. Then one day my neighbor called the cops and the cops came while he was beating us for spilling water on the floor on accident. The cops took him to jail, and DCFS took us out the home and put us in foster care. But the fuzzy part is Pam said she was at work every time it happened, but really Harper and Zach say she was in the living room watching us get beat. So I really don't know but I bounced between foster houses because I would just act out and just not listen. Then finally I met Jennifer and Will and I guess I just felt at home with them and when they officially adopted me, they got me Sweetie. So yep I'm adopted," I finished.

"Well shit that was a lot, so all of you were split up and then you guys just reconnected one day?"

"Yeah pretty much, they both got adopted instantly because they were well behaved. But I didn't, but when I did all our parents kinda got emails saying we were related and we should meet. We met again when I was like 8, Zach was 11 and Harper was 13. So yeah ever since then we've been close, texting everyday and yk just trying to be there for each other."

"Wow, lowkey that sounded like a movie or a book. But do you know where everyone is now?" Chris asked.

"Well Pam I think is in New Orleans living with her husband of 10 years. They don't have any kids together so it's just them in New Orleans. Jason is in jail last I heard, he robbed a liquor store so. Then Harper moved to West Palm Beach because of her clothing brand and she has one kid named Tyler and he's like the best kid ever. You guys would get along so well. Then Zach lives here in LA and he is married and working for a law firm. So I would say all of us kids are doing good," I responded.

"Bro W Jennifer and Will for taking you in," he stated.

"Yeah they're great, that's why I call them my mom and dad cause they practically raised me and made sure I was loved and taken care of," I finished and started to eat my food.

Once I finished we threw out our food in the near by garbage can. We got back into the car from throwing out our food and I started to drive away.

"So can we get that cat or not?"

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